Al Bhed Indeed Haru 93

I took George’s hand and wrote the sleeping Rin a note, explaining where I’d be, and left the apartment, glad that Charlotte and the others were still on their mission. I bit my lip gently as I walked gracefully and slowly down the stairs, George by my side, sliding his hand into mine and slipping his fingers between mine. “You look… truly beautiful.” I smiled and blushed slightly, turning to face him and batting my eyes playfully. “I’ve changed, that’s all. I decided not to stay so low, and tried something new.” He smiled and looked down at his shoes as we reached the ground floor. “I like it.” I smiled and squeezed his hand gently, placing my free hand on the door handle in the foyer and opening the door into the light of the midday sun. I turned to smile at George and we stepped out together into a new, happier day.

We decided to walk, gently, calmly, instead of catching a bus or train. Though we got some funny looks, it only made me smile even more. I enjoyed the negative attention for once, as it only reinforced my belief that I, myself, was a good person deep down. I would change, now. Close the door and open anew. We reached the shopping centre around a half hour later, and I smiled as we continued our slow walk through to the food court. I saw the most romantic and formal restaurant, and beamed. “What about there?” I asked, and George smiled and kissed my cheek, pulling me forwards. “Only the best, for you.” Julian had said that once. But as I blushed, He was pushed out of my mind and thoughts of the future filled the spaces. I smiled and walked forward, pushing the door open, looking into his bright, happy eyes, the same shade as my nail polish, and turned, smiling widely as I walked through the doorway.

The smile froze on my face. I stopped, standing stock-still as the impossibility of it all thrashed around in my mind. George stepped beside me. “What’s wrong, darling?” He turned and followed my gaze. My smile disappeared. Slowly reforming in a frown, then a tight look of concern and confusion as I blinked several times. “No… No way…” George’s hand flew up to his mouth and he blushed slightly, taking my arm. “Maybe we should go somewhere else, babe…” Before either of us could turn around, the voice rang out, and many other customers turned to look. “What!?” Her eyes were wide in shock as she gazed at me, then George, then back to me. Mitsu turned around and looked at us in confusion. I shook my head slightly, taking a single, small step back. “How dare you!?” Charlotte’s voice pierced my thoughts and my heart, and in seconds, I was cold again.

I stood up, feeling my hands pull away from Mitsu’s and ball into fists. It didn’t matter to me that I was making a big drama that would draw unnecessary attention to me - a thought that usually terrified me. All that mattered was that I somehow got this burning anger out of me, so I could breathe again. I strode quickly over to Steven and George, feeling Mitsu hovering behind me. “How dare you?” I repeated, more quietly this time; my voice came out in a low hiss. George motioned to step between me and Steven, but I glared angrily at him and he backed away, shaking his head. “Hey, don’t be harsh to him. He hasn’t done anything wrong.” Steven’s voice quaked and shook, but he drew himself up to his full height, towering over me.

“I know that. What, do you take me for stupid?” I breathed harshly. “I know he’s innocent. But you…you’re sick.” I couldn’t seem to find the words that would express my feelings in a way that would do them justice. “What about Julian?” I demanded of him. “He…b-broke up…with…” he stammered, but I cut him off angrily. “Not long enough ago to make this acceptable-” I gestured at George “- Not long enough ago for you to have moved on.” The hatred coursing through my veins was catching on my voice, grating through my throat, slashing through my breathing.

Mitsu slipped his hands onto my waist, his grip tighter than usual. Strangely, the warmth of his hand only fuelled me further. But his hold reminded me of something important, and my hands were still and sure as I reached slowly into my pocket. “You will leave me alone,” I said, putting a deliberate emphasis on every syllable as I aimed the gun directly at his heart. Shock registered in Steven’s eyes, forcing them to pop open, and I smiled vindictively. “Goodbye,” I said mockingly, keeping my gaze – and the gun – carefully trained on him as I left the restaurant, Mitsu’s hand wrapping around mine again.

As soon as we had left, I shoved the gun roughly back into my pocket, muttering unintelligibly under my breath about Steven and George and whatever else. “It’s okay,” Mitsu whispered, directly into my ear. “They aren’t anywhere near you. I won’t let them touch you.” His reassurances didn’t calm me, but the rush of his cool breath over my ear did. I turned to face him, smiling gently, and wrapped my arms around his neck. Then his lips were crushed against mine again, and I could help but press myself closer. I wondered whether things were always this comfortable; I barely knew Mitsu and yet we always seemed to be perfectly synchronised. “I guess you don’t want to go home,” he murmured, “so how about you come back to mine?” The question was so tantalisingly sweet that I agreed instantly, wanting only to please the angel’s voice. I barely noticed as he pulled me away from the restaurant, through the bustling crowd in town, his broad hands planted safely on my waist still.

I fell to the floor, my hand holding where Charlotte had aimed the gun. George dropped to his knees, holding me tightly, and a few people walked over to ask if I was alright. After nodding and standing back up, George supporting me as a tear ran down my cheek, the manager walked over to us. “I do apologize. But many of our customers appear concerned as to the attention you bring, just by entering this establishment. I mean no offense, but I must ask you to leave.” I nodded and George shook his head in tandem. He then looked at me in surprise, but I smiled softly and looked back at the manager. “It’s okay. I don’t want to ruin anyone’s day, and it’s not my decision to make. We’ll leave, and I apologize sincerely for any negativity I may have caused.” I bowed slightly and took George’s hand, walking out of the restaurant and sitting against the wall, shutting my eyes tight as he sat beside me, laying his head on my shoulder.

“I know you’re not okay, so don’t pretend to be. It’s true, isn’t it? He’s left you? I’m so sorry… I truly am. I know how much you loved… loved him.” I nodded and wiped a tear from my cheek. “I did. I still do, but I have to get over it, you know? What hurts the most… isn’t that he left me. It’s that my own sister doesn’t care anymore.” He nodded and kissed my neck softly. I sighed gently and stood back up, George following. “You know, I’m not really… In the mood for food anymore.” George frowned slightly and nodded. “Whatever you want. Today is your day. Your special time.” I smiled slightly before reverting back to the frown that plastered my face. I grabbed my mirror from my pocket, and noticed that despite how bad I felt, I still looked as good as I had when I left home. George kissed my cheek. “You’re still as beautiful.” I smiled softly and he took my hand. “Listen,” he began, “My sister wants to see you again, and I want you to see… my house. So, if you’d like, we could go there?” I nodded slightly and lay my head on his shoulder, kissing his neck softly. “As long as you’re there.”

I paid no attention to anything as Mitsu and I travelled further away from town, from the restaurant, and from the flat. “It’s not much further,” Mitsu said softly, my preferred crooked smile still pulling his face up. I smiled in response, and returned to staring out of the window, watching the unfamiliar scenery flash past. His hand felt warm around mine still, and I had no desire to free my fingers – now or ever. Neither of us spoke, the silence feeling like a warm blanket. His company was more than enough to soothe me. I barely noticed when the car slid to a stop, and only moved when Mitsu pulled his fingers from mine.

Mitsu’s apartment was up two flights of stairs. I waited as he unlocked and opened the door, and made to step through. But instead, Mitsu wrapped one arm tightly around my torso and used the other to sweep my feet up. He carried me in his arms through the doorway, closing the door behind us with one foot. I fastened my hands in his hair tightly as he leaned his face closer to mine. He paused, his face mere millimetres away from mine, his eyes burning intently. “Are you okay?” he whispered, and as the floral scent of his breath brushed over me, I nodded. “More than okay,” I breathed, smiling. Mitsu flicked his eyes over me before nodding. And just as the anticipation stretched to breaking point, he kissed me as I had wanted. For once, I didn’t let my lips conform to the shape of his; I had just as much power as he did.

I didn’t see much of the flat as Mitsu carried me through the rooms. I could see the cream walls in my peripheral vision, noted the white carpets below me, but then I studied Mitsu’s perfect face instead, not wanting to waste a single moment with him. It seemed that all those worries about never finding a place where I belong, a place to call home, had dissipated now. My home was in Mitsu’s arms, which clung comfortably to my back, encircling me and holding me in his gentle grasp. I moulded to his sculpted chest perfectly, crushing myself closer to him, just wishing there was some way that he could hold me tighter despite the fact that we were entangled; one person, two hearts.

Mitsu stopped moving, and I tore my eyes away from his face to see he was by an unreasonably big bed. He lowered me onto it slowly, and I felt the soft sheets crease beneath me. “Would you like anything? A drink, or some food maybe? Is there anything at all you want?” Mitsu asked. I stood up, wrapping my arms securely around his waist. “I want you,” I whispered calmly. Mitsu smiled serenely, tucking a strand of my hair behind one ear. “Well, I did offer you anything…” he murmured, sitting gently on the bed. I nodded. “That’s right.” I slipped under one arm smoothly, my fingers playing over his shirt collar teasingly. “You did.” I didn’t say anything else after that.

Haru 93
Date Published
02/08/09 (Originally Created: 02/08/09)
The World That Never Was
Final Fantasy X Fan Words
5 hugs hug
4 members Favoritefavorite
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