He Won't Want You To Follow Him... Haru 93

Sora glanced over at Riku sitting alone and noticed that his gaze was fixed securely on Kairi’s familiar, sparkling smile. Sora tightened his grip on Kairi’s hand a little and kept walking as Riku stood up. Sora found himself wishing furiously that Riku would walk away so that Sora could sit on the beach with Kairi, just the two of them. Riku had been skulking around ever since they had come back to the island and Sora wanted him to lighten up a bit. Besides, it was more fun to spend time with Kairi…he pulled her back a little so that he could whisper in her ear.

“Hey…how about we go get some lunch somewhere, just the two of us?” he breathed gently. Kairi looked a little uncomfortable as she mumbled something about Riku, but Sora cut her off with a strategic kiss. He wound his hands into her hair to hold her closer, tighter, but she didn’t reciprocate as she usually did. Feeling a little confused, Sora released Kairi and carried on walking, her hand gripped tightly in his, his eyes fixed on the ground until a splashing caught his curiosity. Riku was shaking his head and talking to himself; weird. Finally, he walked away and Sora relaxed his unknowingly tense muscles.

Sora padded over to where Riku had been sitting, Kairi still in tow, and plopped down onto the sand. “Come on, sit down,” he grunted, lying back and closing his eyes. But Kairi had made no move to join him, so he squinted up into the blue sky. “What’s the matter?” he sighed, not really caring. She shook her head, her mouth forming unspoken thoughts. Finally she choked out an apology, “I…want to go…” He watched her go before shrugging and settling back down. She would come back, eventually.

Haru 93
Date Published
02/13/09 (Originally Created: 02/10/09)
The World That Never Was
Kingdom Hearts Fan Words
3 hugs hug
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