Broken Hearts harvestmoonluvr

2/14 10:48 P.M.
Dear Diary,

It's official, Diary. I hate my life.

Today was supposed to be the best day ever! It was Valentine's day, my favorite holiday of the entire year! Love was in the air, I tell you. I could feel it. But now, it's just a swirling wind of hatred.

People told me a broken heart hurts; Your mind is constantly battered with hurtful emotions and memories. But they never told me of this ache in my chest that burns! I can feel it, I swear, scalding my heart to ashes. I feel like I'm being torn apart by my love and hatred repelling, like the ends of a stubborn magnet vainly being forced together. Do I love him? Do I hate him? I hate him...because I love him?

No matter what happens after today, I know I never want to see his face again. The moment I see his sparkling blue eyes I know I'll just burst into tears.

I wish I could be whisked away from this world of Love.


Naomi sobbed quietly as she closed the journal, and cuddled herself against the cold breeze. The moon shone radiantly in the black sky, casting a blurred ripple across the silent lake. The stars alike danced about as well, and Naomi gazed at them soberly. She often came here when she wrote, for it helped her to meditate on the day and write her emotions more clearly.

Then, a swelling cloud tumbled across the sky, hiding the moon and stars behind a dark veil. Naomi stiffened, and even the air seemed to spark with tension.

Naomi started as a void of darkness swirled into existence just ahead of her, emitting wispy purple and black waves. Then she gasped as a small creature emerged, its large, livid amber eyes locking with hers.

Without thinking, Naomi ran, only to see she had been surrounded by the creatures.

Naomi screamed once for help, and then snatched a lone twig on the forest floor. One of the monsters leaped, and she slashed at it with the stick. It had no avail, however, and it scored Naomi across the chest.

"Ah!" she yipped and clutched her heart. She fell to one knee and doubled over in pain. Her black hair tumbled across her face as she slumped.! she screamed in her mind.


Naomi snapped up just in time to see a boy jump to her side. In a flurry of stars and sparks, he slashed at the nearest creature, killing it instantly. "Go take cover! I can handle these creeps." he almost sounded amused.

Naomi didn't move.

"C'mon now! You don't want to get caught in this nasty battle now, do ya? Huck-yuck!" Naomi's eyes darted to a tall figure looming over her. The night was too dark to see his...or its features.

"Well, get on with it!" an annoyed, raspy voice shouted, "You're just in the way!" Naomi flinched as the mysterious, short tempered creature grabbed her arm to pull her away. It was covered in white feathers.

"Who...? Why...?" Naomi babbled as the bird dragged her to the skirts of the battle. Then, he leaped into action along with the other two.

Naomi could hear the boy chanting war cries and laughing, as though the fight were a mere game. His companions fought well too, and Naomi gasped as the bird called upon lightning and fire to assist him.

Within a few more moments, the battle was over. The mysterious boy sniffed with victory, then cradled his strange weapon on his shoulder, and the other two leaped with joy. Awestruck, Naomi stared at the strange party with wide, ice-blue eyes. The looming cloud that obscured the moon before slowly drifted away and shone on the four of them. Then the boy turned around, flashing a brilliant smile at Naomi.

"Hey there!" then, he laughed, "Sorry about that. I'm Sora." then he gestured at his friends, whom Naomi noticed with muted terror were a duck and a giant dog. "And this is Donald and Goofy," Goofy waved giddily while Donald crossed his arms, glaring at Naomi.

"N-N...Naomi...." she stammered.

"Naomi, huh? Well, nice to meet you." he waved slightly and turned to leave.

"Wait!" Naomi blurted, and cupped her hands over her mouth. Sora looked at her curiously.

Naomi stumbled over her words in her mind, trying to find the best way to say them. "Where did you guys come from, exactly...?" Naomi laughed nervously.

Sora smiled and gave her a cheesy thumb's up. "You see, we're--" he began before Goofy muffled him with one hand, whispering, "Shh! We don't want to meddle in other worlds, Sora!" Naomi frowned, her brow pulling together at the mention of 'worlds.'

The boy grew sheepish and shuffled his feet. "Yeah, I know, I know." then he looked at Naomi again. "Sorry, but we have to go. I hope we can see you again, though!" He smiled warmly.

"No!" Naomi shouted, startling Sora. "Please! Take me with you! I-I-I'm scared!" Naomi flushed as she realized tears were streaming down her cheeks.

Sora panicked and said, waving his arms in front of him, "Whoa, whoa, whoa, don't cry! Please!" he squeaked. Donald began to tap his webbed foot.

Naomi tried to swallow past the lump in her throat, and sobbed, "I'm sorry, I don't...don't know wh-why--" she wiped away the tears, but new ones spilled over moments later. Sora stared at her, not knowing what to do. "Um, you can come with us, if you want...."

"Whaaaaat?!" Donald screeched, "You can't seriously think to bring her with us!! She's just going to be a bother!" His words warbled over one another, so much Naomi could hardly tell what he was saying.

"C'mon, Donald! Did the Heartless eat your heart or something? She needs us!" He waved desperately at Naomi. Donald stubbornly refused. "Ugh! You're always like this!" Sora groaned, "You wouldn't let Riku come with us either, and now look where we are!" Donald grimaced but said nothing.

Naomi waited anxiously for their decision, all the while trying to control her emotions. Breathing in and out, the tears finally stopped. Goofy, who said nothing the whole time, just watched intently.

"Fine, she can come," he rasped. Naomi squealed with joy before he cut her off, saying, "But you can't just tag along, okay? You gotta learn how to fight if you want any chance of making it with us!" Naomi blanched.

"Aw, Donald!" Sora whined, "Why do you have to be so mean about it?" His head went back and forth several times, before he smiled and said, "Naomi, I know you can help us out. Maybe we could teach you magic, or--"

"Look out!!" Naomi yelled, clenched the twig and lunged past Sora. As she slashed, a blinding light obscured her vision for a moment, and radiant blue fire swirled harmlessly around her. The twig instantly transformed into a weapon similar to Sora's, and beams of flaming stars shot out and she cut through the Heartless. It was as easy and cutting through soft butter. Then, the creature dissipated into the air.

"A keyblade!" Sora, Donald, and Goofy shouted in awe. Naomi blinked at the strange blue blade and looked it over in morbid curiosity. The notches of the key fanned out in a magnificent fire, and a small lightning bolt clung to the handle by a small chain. Along the spine of the blade was a jet of sapphire flame, and the handle was intricately designed in a similar fashion.

Sora clapped her on the back and laughed, "Whoa, Naomi! That was awesome!" Goofy nodded; Donald still stared at her, awestruck.

Gathering her courage, Naomi laughed, "You think?" She twirled the blade in her hands.

"But I still don't think...." Donald pondered.

Then Naomi snapped.

"What is it going to take to convince you?! Is it because I'm just a worthless girl? Well, I'm not who you think I am, Niko!" Naomi exploded. Donald blinked at her, confused.

"Niko...?" Sora puzzled.

Naomi flushed and muttered, "I meant Donald."

Sora shrugged and said, "Okay then. We better go anyway, before more heartless show up." He smiled at Naomi.

Naomi smiled back, and as Sora turned to leave, she threw her arms around him. "Thank you, Sora. You won't be sorry!" she hugged him tighter.

Sora turned a bright shade of red as he replied, "It was nothing...." and awkwardly hugged her back.

Then, she loosened her embrace, still smiling. Gesturing for them to wait a second, she hustled back to retrieve her diary, and followed behind, writing excitedly.

2/14 10:56

Dear Diary,

I never thought I'd bounce back this fast...but I'm ready! I'm ready for this journey, I just know it. I may not know what lies ahead yet, or what exactly we're supposed to do...but I'll learn. And I know I have what it takes.

My wish came true, Diary. My wish actually came true.

Date Published
04/08/09 (Originally Created: 04/02/09)
Kingdom Hearts Fan Words
16 hugs hug
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