Hybrid DeidaraNarutoClan

Most people that are alive try to envision what it's like to be dead. The only problem with that is unless they were dead; they wouldn't have a clue on what to make of everything. In fact, they said the most ridiculous thing, like "hearing is always the last sense to go when you die" feh... That's just a flat out lie. I should know; I was dead. I've been dead before. The truth of the matter is that when you die, you'd suffer within the darkness and depths of your mind about what's truth and what's illusion, basically torturing you, all alone with only your thoughts to keep you company...

Once you die, you cease to age. You can't even move nor do anything, not even speak. You're nothing more than a wet cardboard box or a broken tool, to put in terms you'd probably understand... I probably would've been better off staying dead. No, I am not a zombie, nor werewolf, or undead mummy trying to curse you. Heh... funny how in those movies they only seem to make you laugh more than intended. Horror movies are meant to ensue terror and fright within beings with the sound or dreadful screams and the flight of running... Oh no... I would have to brag and say that I'm scarier than that smoke and mirrors those movie directors call "entertainment" feh... a kitten could be scarier than those movies. I'd tell you a terrifying tale if I had the time, but I'd have to say the true tale that I'm about to tell you... starts on Halloween.

I should've been too old for Halloween. Scaring kids... Watching their terrified faces... Pranking them... Okay, strike out what I just said. I was seventeen... Though, I honestly can't remember much else... Well, that was the past. I became dead, so it doesn't matter now. But my death, needless to say wasn't much of a big deal, nor was it a big event of any sort. So I didn't die of a "supernatural" death. I didn't die of a "mysterious" heart-attack. I didn't even commit suicide. In fact, I have to admit this sad fact, my death was so pointless and stupid that you'd laugh to death or spill your guts trying to comprehend what you just had read.

I was actually born on Friday the thirteenth of October, so knowing that already tells you that I was destined to be consequenced. Everyone ignored it though and, to my stupidity, I did as well. It may have seemed like a little thing, but it could equal bigger consequences in the future and grow bigger. I'm getting off what I was saying. As I said, I was born on Friday the thirteenth. My biological mother gave me up for adoption for no reason. Maybe she saw the doom and wanted to avoid it all... that had to be it. What would be ironic though is the fact Halloween was my favorite holiday... well, still is. I died on that day though as I probably said before. It was bittersweet to say the least...

"Come on! Time for school!" my foster mother called.

I opened my eyes slightly and the sunlight hit my face like a burning arrow to a target. I groaned and then turned back over in my bed. 'Why?' I thought, 'Tonight is Halloween. School is out on other pointless holidays, so why not today?'

She called me again but it was ignored. I slid my pillow over my head and started grabbing at the sheets to cover any bare part of my body. The plan was short-lived though when she came bursting through the door with so much force she could've easily made a police officer or firewoman. "What did I just tell you?" she scolded.

I turned in my bed some more to make it appear like I had just woken up or didn't feel well in her standards. Then I shifted towards her side slowly and opened my eyes about half way. "... I dunno," I replied, rubbing one of my eyes.

My foster mother was named Elena. She was a rather plump woman by many people's standards, I saw no difference nor did I really care, yet ate very little. Her hair was curly, somehow in a wavy manner, red but could be covered by a sun hat alone and make her appear bald. Her eyes seemed to be a mix of colors, but they were clear and pure in most people's eyes... except in mine. If she never adopted me, I wouldn't have died. She seemed like the devil in my own eyes. She tried to gain my trust but I refused it because I wasn't a fool. Adding to that, the only reason I lived in this hell-hole was because she didn't have the strength or ability to birth a child, so she had to settle for adoption... I knew if she had the ability to birth a child, that child would be in my current place now from what I believe... Ironic how everything just happens...

"Alexander," boy, did I hate that name, "School. Get up and get dressed or you won't go out for Halloween tonight."

... I probably should've listened... but it wasn't my demeanor to do so. "Like I care," I replied, almost smirking at the lax and confidence in my tone. Even if I did get punished, I had no intention of missing Halloween. I wouldn't miss it if you pushed me down the stairs and put me into a coma... And I know that has to be saying something.

Elena got red in the face and nearly spat saliva out onto my face. "Get out of bed!" she demanded.

I blinked and in the spur of the moment... made up a lie that probably sent me to my impending doom. Only two words... "I'm sick."

Her stern face lightened to a concerned expression, even though I could tell she couldn't care less, she seemed slightly guilty. "Are you all right?" she inquired, trying to put her and on my forehead to check if I was really sick or not.

I swatted her hand away, so she couldn't touch my forehead, and continued... She bought it hook, line, and sinker... idiot. "I don't think I can get up... My head is pounding," I said, holding on my head for more of an effect, "I think I need some rest... I don't feel well, so I don't think I can go out for Halloween tonight."

Even if I was lying, she wouldn't be able to tell. Elena knew I would NEVER make something up if I was missing Halloween. She did find it odd that I didn't want to though because if I was normally sick, I wouldn't tell her and end up collapsing and going to the hospital, but no, I didn't die that way.

Elena simply nodded her head and left the room. After that, I smirked, sat up, and folded my arms behind my head. 'Idiot'

To tell you the truth, I welcomed death... I still welcome going back to it now... I wanted to find out how it felt... What was it like...? Do you go to havens like heaven or into flaming pits of torture like hell...? Does heaven and hell exist?

I continued lying on my bed, relaxed and eyes closed. My sheets and blankets covered me, but I didn't feel like going to sleep. After all, normally, when you get woken up, do you want to go back to sleep?

Beads of sweat started to stain my body and forehead, due to the fact the multiple blankets and sheets' overwhelming and breath-taking warmth. The abundance of all of that, combined with my body heat didn't make a good combination at all. I forced myself out of bed, the sheets and some of the pillows falling off to the side of my bed in the process, and made my way to the bathroom.

I set the shower on a cooler temperature and climbed in. I faced the shower and closed my eyes as it flowed over my hair and into the drain. After a few minutes, I yawned and faced away, turning my back to it. I felt over-heated and the cold water felt good. I looked at the ceiling for a few minutes, until I spotted something out of the corner of my eye. My head turned in curiosity and my eyes started to follow the moving target. It was a spider. I don't know how it caught my interest, but it did and I got closer to it.

I set my hand close to the spider and waited until it crawled onto my hand. I moved away from the running water and took my hand away from the wall. I didn't want the majestic thing to be washed away. I gazed at the spider for a few minutes until finally speaking. "What were you doing in the shower corner?" I asked, "It's not the wisest thing to-" before I could finish, pain and numbness hit and took over the hand the spider lay on.

My eyes widened and the spider found itself being flung into the running water and into the drain; more than likely, it drowned. The bite wound was clear as blood spatter on a wall. It was swollen and my hand throbbed. It spread quickly like wildfire and suddenly my whole arm became numb. I felt more over-heated than ever now. My hearing started to fail, my sight became blurry, and then I felt nothing but a sensation of falling. My eyes closed, my breathing ceased, only my thoughts to keep me company...

Date Published
04/19/09 (Originally Created: 04/04/09)
The Nightmare Before Christmas Fan Words
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