Zac and Waffuru Make a Case Waffuru

Okay, I really don't know why but I'm really starting to get sick of ya'll freaking out over Hollywood. There is a time and place to get upset when Hollywood sticks its nose where it doesn't belong. But I think we can ALL agree that sometimes Hollywood gets things right. For those of you who don't know, this is in response to the announcement of the possibility of a Full Metal Panic movie and Zac Efron being possibly courted for a role.

First of all, stop hee-hawing about original content. Nothing is original. Nothing. Life is barely original as is. Pokemon -> Digimon -> Yuigoh -> Beyblade -> Bakuman. For heaven's sake people, let's take a nice indie film we've all seen. How about, Juno! Teenage pregnancy, done. Michael Cera as an awkward teenager, done. Witty dialogue, done. Generation sensitive content, done. The Honeymooners, the Flintstones, King of Queens they're all the same show! Now, seriously did you guys really hate The Dark Knight because your money says differently. Batman isn't highly original people, not to mention the movie came from a pre-made source. How about Transformers? Steven Spielberg just said that he thought Transformers 2 was Michael Bays best movie to date. Steven freaking Spielberg said that about a movie based off of a toy! Don't get me wrong, there are some really unique and cool things out there. But everybody gets inspired by something. Case in point, High School Musical... Grease.

Date Published
05/04/09 (Originally Created: 04/16/09)
Waffle's Rant
Full Metal Panic Fan Words
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