Hiei in RainbowLand: The Musical tiggerola


Hiei: It wouldn’t make any difference if you did know about me.

Shy Violet: I bet it would. I only want to help you Black…

Hiei: [turns] Will you stop calling me that! My name is Hiei, not Black Night!

Shy Violet: Hee-ay? Why didn’t tell us that sooner.

Hiei: Like you guys would listen. [turns away]

Shy Violet: I’m sorry V_V

Hiei: Whatever.

Shy Violet: I know I can’t make you tell me about yourself. To remain shut off from the world is your choice. I wish there was more that I can do, but if not…I’m glad I know your real name, Hiei. [turns to go and spots the ruby tear gem on the ground] What’s this?

Hiei: What’s what? [turns to see she’s picked up his tear and is examining it] Nothing.

Shy Violet: It feels strange. Like just holding it makes my whole body sad.

Hiei: Then drop it.

Shy Violet: Yet it’s beautiful…even in its own forlorn way.

Hiei: [snatches the gem from Shy Violet and throws it] Forget about it and return to the castle where you’re safe.

Shy Violet: o_o [recovers from shock] Why don’t you come back to the castle too?

Hiei: I don’t belong there.

Shy Violet: You shouldn’t be alone, I’ll stay here with you.

Hiei: I can take care of myself.

Shy Violet: v_v Very well… [walks to where Hiei threw the gem and picks it up then starts to leave]

Hiei: What do you think you’re doing?

Shy Violet: ^///^ I wanted to keep it, it is pretty.

Hiei: Even though it makes you sad?

Shy Violet: Yes, it makes me feel the loneliness that I imagine you must feel, the hurt, the sorrow, the pain…

Hiei: [stares at Shy Violet]

Shy Violet: If you don’t mind, I’d like to keep it to remember you, my friend.

Hiei: [startled] Perhaps…

Shy Violet: I should let you be though. [starts to walk out]

Hiei: Wait.

Shy Violet: Yes, Hiei?

Hiei: [avoiding eye contact] A-are you still interested?

Shy Violet: Pardon?

Hiei: In getting to know me, learning how I feel?

Shy Violet: Y-yes…do-do you want to share?

Hiei: I could try. But I’ve never done so before. I don’t know where to start.

Shy Violet: Its ok, maybe you don’t know how. I could tell you about myself first so you can see how, then it might not be so awkward for you. I know doing new things can be scary.

Hiei: -_- I’m not scared.

Shy Violet: Oh, of course not. ^^;

Hiei: Go ahead.

Shy Violet: Huh?

Hiei: Tell me about yourself! I don’t have all day.

Shy Violet: Right! ^^

*****convo edited out so as not to bore readers*****

[Shy Violet explains about her life in RainbowLand the good, the bad and even discloses some insecurities, then prompts Hiei to tell about himself, he says that he and the others are all demons, their real names, him being a forbidden child, Yukina is his sister, and about the dragon being of his own doing, this explains the tear gem that Shy Violet holds and its aura sends her the emotions concealed within]

*****end convo summary*****

Shy Violet: O.O …I had no idea…I don’t know what to say…

Hiei: There’s nothing more to say.

Shy Violet: I’m sorry, I’m trying to understand, to feel as you feel. Does that make you feel better? That you don’t have to bare this burden alone?

Hiei: What?

Shy Violet: I’m here for you.

Hiei: [raises eyebrow] Even though I am the cause of all of your sufferings?

Shy Violet: Of course! You are still my friend. I will help you.

Hiei: There’s nothing you can do, even if I told you everything.

Shy Violet: Wanna bet? ^_~

Hiei: What in the name of Demon World are you referring to?

Shy Violet: Well, with enough color crystals, we can send out a rainbow and the light of it can overpower the Darkness so you can get your sister back safely!

Hiei: >.> You really think the Dragon of the Immortal Flame can be beaten by a silly little rainbow?

Shy Violet: If you are in a dark room and turn on a flashlight, can the darkness overpower its beam?

Hiei: Do you expect me to answer that?

Shy Violet: Trust me, I know we can win.

Hiei: We’ll need a plan, there are questions I want answered before taking out Murky, Lurky, and the Dragon. Still it looks like your rainbow is our best bet.

Shy Violet: I wish I could help you here, but every color needs a person to operate it for the rainbow to work.

Hiei: Would Kurama suffice?

Shy Violet: [thinks of Great Rose] He doesn’t know how.

Hiei: Can you direct him if he were talking to you telepathically?

Shy Violet: Perhaps, we could try that!

Hiei: Good. I’ll need you for my plan.

Shy Violet: [jumps] ^__^ What do you have in mind?

Date Published
05/10/09 (Originally Created: 04/25/09)
The Library
Crossover Anime and Manga Fan Words
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