Flint's Guide to Comedy! Flint

Hey, y'all! It's me, your best friend and theO's resident bad mamma jamma, Flint! Through my many years here at theOtaku, I've strived to make every post I write as sophomoric and immature as possible. Why? To help you, the audience, through your tough day, in whatever it is that you do every day. Also, I like to snicker at my own genius because I'm incredibly vain.

I call my style of writing "comedy in the truest form", because true comedy is not high-brow, does not make you think, and does not in any way give you new ideas and perspectives on the world around you. C'mon, what do you honestly think is funnier: a dog talking to a banker about getting a second mortgage on his dog house, or that same dog biting said banker in the 'nads for no reason, while several bank patrons look on in horror? Your baser emotions tell you "man getting bit in 'nads by dog is funny", right? Whereas with the dog and his mortgage, you have to actually use your mind and think "Oh, I get it. He's taking out a second mortgage because the economy's gone to the dogs. That's funny, I suppose". It's natural for your mind to choose the simpler concept to grasp, thus receiving instant gratification, or in this case, a cheap laugh. That's what I provide.

Did you know that you too can write incredibly juvenile junk food posts purely meant for cheap laughs? It's true! You have a hidden talent that you do not yet realize! "But Flint, I've not a funny bone in my body! I've got a humerus, sure, but it ain't got a laugh in it! How can I write funny junk food for the mind?" you ask. That answer is simple. There are rules to follow when posting the textual equivalent of a twinkie. Luckily for an all-too-serious wretch like yourself, these rules are easy to follow! Just use your good judgment, put on a big smile, follow these rules, and you'll be on your way to Smilestown, U.S.A, population: lots and lots of fun!

Date Published
07/06/09 (Originally Created: 05/19/09)
The Flint Show
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