[โ ]
I just remembered you were leaving tomorrow! I had actually planned to submit this over the weekend, or next weekend, but I figured it'd be best to go ahead and do it today while you were still here.
This is for you, Nichole, I hope you like this! I really love Akira Kasukabe's art, its so pretty. He's one of my favorite manga/Tales artists and so naturally I had to make this into an iWallie. I tried my best to keep the quality high, but in doing so, it kinda ruined it a little and I wasn't sure how to get rid of the slight distortion, and I'm very sorry for that. Dx
(Also, I can't believe that this Summer marks exactly 5 years since I played the original Symphonia for Gamecube [aka: when I first got into the Tales fandom]... good lord. I had planned to replay it on PS3, but I have a couple other big games coming up that I'm anticipating... ;___;)
I hope you have fun on your trip and take care of yourself! I'll miss you ;u;