
Title Grand Otaku
Birthday 09/13/95
Member Since 08/20/09
Guestbook 425 signatures
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Comments 7887
Gifts 21Emmz12: CONGRATS ON THE PROMOTION~!! =^D Vivianlove: Love for October <3 Crazysis64: For being cool! Celestic Muse: Happy belated Birthday Air-Dragon: happy belated super birthday COOKIE! apple pai: Sorry 4 da late! Happy Birthday dear :) beloved blood: HAPPY (lateTT^TT) BIRTHDAY!!!<3 Kazamas-Keyblade: Happy Birthday AlexaClyne: Happy Birthday! Auraelys: Happy belated birthday! :D Bleachic: Happy Birthday ;^o^/; X MAGE X: Happy Birthday! :D Carina1301: happy birthday! :) : Happy Birthday!! infinatelove42: hapPY BIRTHDAY!!! Here is a piggy hehe kalynnchan: Otanjou-bi Omedetou Gozaimasu!!!! :D gaaraskittygirl: Happy B-day! :3 You like ducks, right..? Hanaro Souhi: Happy Birthday!~ ^ w ^ DistantStar: YO! HAPPY BIRTHDAY GURL! cannon21: Happy Birthday!! : HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! :) byakuyarox1: Happy Birthday!!! Blindloverr713: ~Happy Birthday ^.^ Ooooohhhh...CAKE!!!! ForeverForget: Happy birthday dev!!! :D 21Emmz12: HAPPY BIRTHDAY~!! =^D LightFykki: Happy birthday!! :)) Amestar: Neko for your Birthday Dev~ curaneko: happy birthday! Miracle Star19: HAPPEH BIRTHDAY!!! Hikari777Yami: Happy birthdayy^^!!! dusktilldawn713: omigod~!!! happy birthdayyyyy :D!!!!!!!! : Happy Birthday~! kamichama karin s: happy birthday lovely~ kks : Happy Birthday :D szaleksandra: ^^Happy Birthday^^ vdr-07: happy b-day :) Box of Cherries: Happy Birthday to ---->YOU<----!!!!<3 Bluemoon Halo: Kitty for your B day =3!~ LadyDragonEye: Happy birthday! Hope its a good one :D wallpaperotaku: Have a great birthday! greenLeAfe: Happy Birthday to You~! Sabriela Hellena: HBD! ^u^ LuniKat: Happy Birthday! Karisan: Wish you a very Happy Birthday!!!^___^ : Happy B-day! Have fun! Allie Elric: happy birthday! =] Who I Am1234: Happy Birthday! (^o^)/ thelostsindar: Happy birthday! ^-^ : Happy birthday Dev-chan!! :3 nin-chaz: happy birthday! Kaagemusha: Happy Birthday!!! XD segunda etapa: Happy Birthday!! SaxGirl: Happy birthday Dev-chan!^^ *hugs* GrimmJeel: Happeh Birthday!!! Kami-chan.x3: RAMEN DAY! ~ *throws noodles in the air* cheriepy: Thankies~ SaxGirl: An honourable mention, congrats!^^ SaxGirl: Thanks for entering my challenge!^^ MangaKid: Thx 4 subbing!! ^^ Rin Kyu: Thankyou for the kitten! Vivianlove: Have a nice day!! cannon21: Begun, The Kitten War Has sweet chick: thank uuu, a panda for you 2 :) LightFykki: Just because you are awesome like that^^ LightFykki: HERE'S ONE TO YOU!!!!! 8DD : I don't have kittens to send!!! can i haz a kooki: thnx. ^^ Rosie Chan: Your so good at making wallies!!! :D : Arms like NOODLES!!! ishararevol: thanks~ scoodi: EAT KITTEN : Schools waste too many trees : Eat it before it melts! : here's an easel for you to paint on!! :D : Paintbrush! Now all you need is paint. VivaLaParadise: A panda for you <3 Celestic Muse: :D A box of strawberry pocky for you! EmoVampireRiska: :D harvestmoonluvr: & a Piggy gift Back for you! Get it? xD Domine Kuro: and a panda for you. : Banana phone! xD LuniKat: <3 luciaNanami: thank you for the kitten! gaaraskittygirl: Thanks!! ^^ Pyrus aka Padme : thank you i like kitties Auraelys: Thanks for the kitten--here's a ducky!^^ Scarlet Wings: Thank you  for the kitten X3! xXSageXx: thanks for the gift! ^^ : and a random pie! : kittens! : some : Have EverybodysFool: Thanks again :D xTanziex333: Awww! Thankies!! A choco rabbit 4 u ^_^ katethecontractor: a strawberry for you! ^-^ saki 1234: A panda for your worries! ;> saki 1234: A panda for your worries! ;> saki 1234: A panda for your worries! ;> poppy1016: thank you for the gift :) : *Spamming you with kittens ;3* : suprise! another kitten :3 RainingSunshine: I'll feed the kitten lots of cake~! : You have recieved a kitten! : Thank you!! :3 : and a cookie for you! :3 ForeverForget: Thank you! A box of pocky for you ^^ : A bunny 4 chu~! Amestar: Go kittyies <3 Gift for you Dev :D LightFykki: Y're too awesome :3 Prepare for many ^^ Saerily: okay, done being a 'rebel' KITTEHS FTW!! Saerily: and a doggy for you! :3 : OH, SHOULD HAVE SENT YOU A KITTY. :D Akia Aoi: you been kittyed : AWH, thankie sankee for the kitteh!!~<3 kalynnchan: thanks for the kitty :3 so i got u ramen siri chan: A cookie of thanx tutcat: Lucky kitten for dev! katethecontractor: Thank You for the Birthday gift! :D LightFykki: HERE'S THE CAVARLY!!!! >D LightFykki: NYAN CAT INVASION AT YOUR BORDER!!! :D dusktilldawn713: a bit late but thnx 4 subing :D ilovetamaki: HI ^^ nirvana donut: thanks for the gift; it's been great! : Gift for staying one of my subbers! ^_^ Natsu nii: thanx 4 being one of the 1st 100! TTwTT LightFykki: NYAN CAT!!!!!! Surprise attack!!! >D superstarpanou: Thanks for the sub~! A cookie for you~~! X MAGE X: Thanks for the sub :D Karu and Kuro: and end my turn Karu and Kuro: i attack with duck draw one card : Hey! : :) Kaerlyn: For you to keep cool :3 21Emmz12: Oh my! a KITTY!!!!!! 8O LightFykki: FINE! Because summer just came take this LightFykki: A cupcake at the end! Here you go. :3 LightFykki: Yumy I liked that!:D You know what comes LightFykki: So I made you a cake!!!!!! ^-^ LightFykki: Thanks! :D I sure liked your cookies.^^ LightFykki: I like that!  And you get pockyboxes!!!! LightFykki: Hey thanks.^^ You are quite random. :)) psych0machine: My first gift! Here's one for you. :p LightFykki: Thanks!^^ If you need help, just ask. :D LightFykki: I think that I know that it will be good LightFykki: Really?? Just shot the idea!! :D LightFykki: Me, to eat that chocolate bunny. xDD LightFykki: A witch to fly off with that broom! :O LightFykki: HEHE! >D A dog can't do nuf against this LightFykki: NYANNYANNYANNYANNYANNYANNYANNYANNYANNYAN LightFykki: *gets up* Nyan song sounter attack!! >:O LightFykki: x_X *trys to get up* I-I... can't... I'm LightFykki: OH NO!NOT EVEN MY NEKO EARS WILL SURVIVE LightFykki: YOU CAN'T BEAT MY KITTY!!!! >:3 LightFykki: Thanks!:) Here's some sushi just for you Portal GLaDOS : Aperture Science Welcome You! Kiiika: thank u for the sub... *-* Katty Shouto: Hey!!! I missed u! What's up?! 21Emmz12: RANDOM GIFT! =^D hetcheywerewolf: CAKE! lol I feel hyper & hopes your well brokenpixi: pocky   yum yum ecnelisterger: ^^ Happy Easter~~~ Kami-chan.x3: HAPPY EASTER!! :3 *huggles* scoodi: Happy Easter, Dev~! Yammi chan: Happy Easter =^___~= Hevn: Have A Happy Easter!!!^_^ : Haappy Easter! IChiTa: Happy Easter~ : happy easter! ;3 SaxGirl: Happy Easter dev-chan!^__^ *hugs* ShiningHime: Happy Easter Dev! :3 : Happy easter!!!! Morbid Dollie: Enjoy the chocolate~~ Morbid Dollie: Happy Easter!!! : Welcome back Dev!! WE MISSED YOU! asakura san: .3 MakaXD: This is for you^^ : :) NoirAngel: Thank you for the sub ^_^ nirvana donut: thank you and good luck!!! ecnelisterger: Congrats for the promotion! :D kobato chii: Be happy...^ ^ kakashi fangirl 1: happy Valentine's day :) JanetChan: Happeh Valentine's Day, Dev-Chan! ^ ^ Yammi chan: Happy Valentine's day ! ^^ Kaagemusha: Happy Valentines Day! twinklesakura: Happy valentines -- spread the love! =) tehOtaku: thank you! Irishwolf: ^___^ aminesick: Happy new years!! =D : Happy New Year!!! ^^ chocolatemud: m/(>.<)m/ good luck in the new year Xiu: Happy New Year Year ! ecnelisterger: All the best for 2011~ :D Yammi chan: Happy 2011 ^___^ twinklesakura: Hope you have a fantastic year! X) nirvana donut: I love your wallpapers! Xiu: merry christmas !! : Happy Holidays! josephine12cute: Merry Xmas & Happy New Year :)) mangageek: Happy Christmas Merry Holidays KaizerG1: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! :) WeiQi: Merry christmas!!! ^^ harvestmoonluvr: MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! <3 Morbid Dollie: Happy Holidays!!! envythejealous: Happy Holidays!!! Quiet Noise: I wish u Happy Holidays my friend! ^^ SparklyAlice: Merry Christmas! IwaseYaeko: Happy Holidays!! LightFykki: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! scoodi: Merry Christmas! c: aizome: May you have a Fairytale Christmas ^w^ Yammi chan: Merry christmas and Happy New year!!! KittyYulia: ~ merry christmas <3 ~ Nynx: I wish you a merry Christmas! ^^ <3 : Happy Holidays~!~! ^^ 2010 AnnaKanda: Happy Holidays! ReiKiba: Merry Christmas and H.New Year! ^-^ Immortal Queen: Thank you for entering snow fun! shiyanyume tamama: This is Shampoo favorite food^^ thank U twinklesakura: Merry christmas! =) : Happy Christmas and Merry New Year!!! ^^ : thank u 4 the gift>w<miss u!! : thank u 4 the gift>w<miss u!! ecnelisterger: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! kikkima: merry Christmas!! Alicie: Congradulations! SarahPatricia: Thanks for entering "A new beginning"! AngelBest Dream: Thank you!!! LightFykki: Here is a cake for you! Happy tnxgiving! wallpaperotaku: happy thanksgiving greenLeAfe: HAPPY THANKSGIVING :D haveacookie! : Thankies for the sub! � :D ms kaiba shiffer: Thank you :) saki 1234: Hey, thanks! A gift for a gift! RedVelvetCake: Thanks for the sub ^_^ sweetdevil: Thank you for participating in QOQ! ^_^b scoodi: Happy [belated] Halloween~ :D : !~~~ Happy Halloween ~~~! Carbon Frost: Happy Halloween!! :3 Quiet Noise: have a happy Halloween *muhahaha*... Shineska: Happy Halloween~ WeiQi: Happy halloween>.< ReiKiba: Happy Halloween~!!! xD ecnelisterger: Happy Halloween!!! XD SarahPatricia: Happy Halloween! ^_^ reichiinya: thanks for the sub! *subs back* zetsumichan: thanks for subscribing to moi!! : Thanks for the sub ^_^ SakuraHanahime: hope you'd like it Anime snow girl: ~ I know it's late but H-BIRTHDAY ^^;;~ KrondorianV: thanks for entering my challenge! KrondorianV: thanks for entering my challenge! Deathrai: you get a cupcake Lonika: Just cuz you're awesome. :) WeiQi: happy belated birthday Chaos Jonny: Happy Bday, sorrry it's l8 XP....... : Congrazzles on the promotion! ^^ : Congrats on promotion ^^ ecnelisterger: congrats on the promotion!!! :D envythejealous: Congrats on the promotion!!! :) scoodi: Congrats on becoming a Senior Otaku~! :D : Your really talented! lulu727: Happy Birthday Dev RedPandaAlchemist: Happy B-Day! -Repaa WeiQi: happy birthday Kaagemusha: Happy Birthday....sorry for the late gif Akuma wa koneko11: Happy birthday sorry if its late!! : Happy belated B-day!! beloved blood: BIRTHDAY CAKE FOR YOU~~<3<3>.< BadHairDay999: Happy (Late) Birthday!! :D 21Emmz12: HAPPY BIRTHDAY~! =^D Felcie: Happy belated B-Day !! =3 ecnelisterger: Happy Bday! (I 4got the presents...V.V) : Happy belated bday ^^ segunda etapa: Happy Birthday! Bleachic: ~*~Happy B-day my friend! ~*~ xixisuoh: happy b-day! :3 Captain Ronnie: Happy birthday dev-chan! churro: Happy B-day! AIloveAkuma: HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! :D Deathrai: Happy B-day Dev-chan^^ firefox360: happy birthdaay!!! :D Arctic Summer: Happy birthday :) Teehee kamichama karin s: Have a wonderful birthday! u deserve it! FujibayashiKyou24: Happy Birthday!!! :) Hulaberry32: Happy birthday! ^^ : HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEV!!!!!!!!!!! animefreakz6: happy b-day! : Happy B-day Dev-chan^^ wh2000: Happy Birthday Dude!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! kandafan: HAPPY B-DAY!!!!!!!!!! envythejealous: Happy Birthday!!!!! :) Hope it's good :) Izukorai: Happy birthday!! wingedshadowwolf: Happy Birthday!!!>(^.^)< TamaDoodles24: here! have a kitten!!! Happy B-Day!!! X) Momiji Fangirl: Happy Birthday!! Miracle Star19: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! =3 Quiet Noise: have a happy & crazy b-day !!! ^_____^ paperXmoon: Have a Happy Bday!! morikage: for your b-day Sabriela Hellena: HB-D! Artgrrl: Happy Birthday! ^___^ mikufanboy: happy birthday! wallpaperotaku: have a fantabulous birthday! ShamiART: Happy Birthday!!!! �^.^� Karisan: Wishing you a very Happy Bitthday!!!^^ Ero Kagy: Happy Birthday To You. Ilovebadboys: Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!~^-^ CDCDCD89: Happy birthday! kikkima: happy b-day 1dev13-chan!! ^_^ Hanaro Souhi: Yup!~ Happy Birthday!~ ^_^ AnnaKanda: Happy Birthday! Hope it's great!!! XD OniiBabba: Happy, Happy, Happy, B-Day !!! ~ : happy birthday <3<3<3 SaxGirl: Happy birthday!^_^ TimeWithoutEnd: happy birthday!!! here's a cake 4 u =) LightFykki: Happy birthday Dev!!!^^  :D Blood Mistress : ~happy birthday to you~ nin-chaz: happy birthday LoveLikeThis: Happy Birthday!!!May God bless you!!^^ MaraBruckner: happy birthday(: : Happy birthday! ^^ YourProtector: Happy Birthday!!Hope it 's awesome!!^^ WafflesAreHappy: Happy birthday! *hugs* >W< Blue Latte: Happy Birthday!! Gravity4Ever: Happy Birthday!Wish you all the best!^^ scoodi: Happy happy BIRTHDAY! 8D MoonLight Pearl: Happy Birthday!!Hope it rocks!!^^ sakurasista: hav an awesum bday :3 -trish- aizome: happy birthday! *hugs& kisses* ~ Aizome inZhani: otanjoubi, dev-san >w<d GBU stinamuffin: HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEV-CHAN!!!! :D phantomgirl21: Thank You Dev-chan!!! Very Sweet! LoveLikeThis: ~Thank you very much!!!!!^^ ~ ShamiART: Awwws Thank you sooooo much! *hugs* segunda etapa: Here. Have a bananananana. Hi! Ilovebadboys: Thanks for the gift!!!~^-^ AnnaKanda: Thanks for the sub~! : =] ShiroiAngel16: aw tnx a lot for the gift <3<3 ^-^ Champire: Hi!! You´re welcome!!! ^-^ nejihyugaclan: Thanks for the cake :D NaikoSeshu: ^^ Keep up the good work! Hanaro Souhi: Thanks 4 your gift and for comments!^_^ Darknessdancer: Thanks for joining in Epic Love Story! Darknessdancer: Great Wallpaper! Darknessdancer: 1st Place! : Thanks for joining my challenge~! ^_^ Clyne Lacus: It was awesome! thanks for the gift :) CDCDCD89: You're most welcome! : love ur artwork dev theyre amazing! ^^ cwg246: Happy Panda says you're welcome :3 scoodi: I EAT MY DESSERT BEFORE MY DINNAH Captain Ronnie: Thanks for the Avatar <3 stinamuffin: thnx for the gift :D heres 1 for you :3 MiseryMiss: Thanks for everything ^^ SakuraDust: Thank you for participating <3 Blake Jack: And for your second entry Blake Jack: Thank you for your entry XD belletoile: Thanks for entering my challenge!! firefox360: you get pawky for subbing :D Bleachic: A little gift for your participation! KawaiiHikari: Thanks for subscribing :) AIloveAkuma: Congrats on Winning the Featured Fandom! AkiYaki: thank you for all your comments! :D : Thanks for participating! ^o^ beloved blood: X3 Thank you for being awesome! >XD beloved blood: X3 And thank you for being nice!! XD Blake Jack: Thanks for your entry^^ TimeWithoutEnd: For one of my favorite artist : cupcake 4 u �0�!! VillageIdiot: LOL welcome xD Captain Ronnie: Thanks for being so friendly! <3 YourProtector: Thank you for your help^^ belletoile: you're welcome...and keep drawing ^^ kikkima: Thnk you 4 gift , heres 1 4 you too.!! ecnelisterger: No prob! My pleasure! ^^ WeiQi: Happy 4th Momiji Fangirl: Thanks for the gift! Here's pocky! pawprint96: You won!! :D kikkima: Thnk you for sub to me! ^_< MoonLight Pearl: Thnx for the gift and for the wishes^^ Yaone: Thanks for the Gift. :-DDD ecnelisterger: thanks for the subs and everything!!! : It's give random person a brick day! Rosie Chan: Thanks for...liking my wallie+the gift!! RedNekoMimi15: I like your worlds : Here is alittle something. ouransgirl: Thanks for entering my contest!^_^ nin-chaz: thanks 4 gift :) kucingkepanasan: enjoy! ^^ : happy late easter! twilight tiger: have a fun easter! ^^ (no bunny >.<) : Happy Easter~!~!~!  =^.^= Miracle Star19: HAPPY EASTER!!! =3 gaara is dark: thanks for all the help,you are so cool : Thanks for the gift,Happy St.Patrick's! : Your so welcome!! ^^ : Happy St,Patricks Day! Miracle Star19: Happy St. Patty Day =3 Pantalaimon1467: To celebrate your gift collection *noms* Pantalaimon1467: Just a cat... Or maybe... Pantalaimon1467: Beware of zeh evil pumpkinz! *flees...* Pantalaimon1467: An easel to go along with the brushes!^^ Pantalaimon1467: An icecream for an otaku with a wishlist imouto chan: For being a sweetheart ^^ greenLeAfe: thnx 4 the bday wishes^_~ howayoru: I saw your wish list, happy V-day~! Miracle Star19: *Cupid strikes* HAPPY V-DAY!!! X3 : Happy St. Valentines! - DN-Chan : Thanks for wishing me a happy b-day! :) Pantalaimon1467: I hope you like pie, It's homemade! XD Pantalaimon1467: To a great artist, with a wishlist XD : Thanks for the cookie dev-chan!! AdiosXDKokobongo: Thx for the warm  welcome Air-Dragon: You are the first winner of 2010 awards! TigersKiss: Thank you for welcoming me.......=^-^= LilyWhite: counter gift! Thnx for the gift! : A box of Panda Hugs for my friend! ^w^ : You're welcome! scoodi: Because you're my bestest friend :D ZakuraKnightV2: Happy New Year! :) : Happy New Year!(just as I promised :) : happy new yr^^!!!!!!!2010!!!!!!!!! Black Kiss: Happy new year :DDD ComicallyDeranged: Thanks for all the gifts~ ComicallyDeranged: A gif for the gift you gave me ^^ ComicallyDeranged: Happy New Year! scoodi: Happeth Neweth Yeareth! (^o^)/ LilyWhite: Yuki: Happy New Year to you. howayoru: thanks for everything.. happy new year^^ : Happy New Year! ^^ howayoru: merii kurisumasu o^.^o beouvle: ^_^ Miracle Star19: MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!:DDD RSRKingdomStars: HUGS! X3 thx 4 being awesome! ily<3 ^w^ : ^_^ LilyWhite: Yuki here, wishing you a Happy Holiday. scoodi: I had some today! scoodi: Hey, whaddya know, more chocolate! :3 scoodi: *is in need of anything chocolate* scoodi: Mmm... this makes me hungry... :3 scoodi: WRITE DEV! WRITE LIKE THE WIND! scoodi: Some cake that stands for L~ Black Kiss: For keeping in touch! :D sweet chick: thank you:) keep up the good work! Yuffie1972: Thank you so much !!!!! ^_^; FLCLAlchemist156: Well u dont wanna forget her broom!! HH! scoodi: I'll take a potato chip... and EAT IT! : happy birthday to u ^_^=3 =3 scoodi: Reminds me of that strawberry gum... Mmm scoodi: Eh, I'm in an Ouran-y mood right now. scoodi: :O Quick get your slingshot out! scoodi: A brick: DA BEST TOY EVAH!!1!!!11 scoodi: Ramen reminds me of Konata~
Trophy Case Fan Art Trophy Wallpapers Trophy Fan Comics Trophy Cards Trophy Quizzes Trophy Comments Trophy
Medals Winner - Challenge: Hope For Japan Contestant - Challenge: In The Dark Creator - All Works Work! Contestant - Challenge: theOtaku Summer Fun Contest Contestant - Challenge: A song I\'d like to sing~ Contestant - Challenge: Twin cards Contestant - Challenge: Twin cards Winner - Challenge: APH FOR A CAUSE Winner - Challenge: The Rice Ball X The Cat or The Rat? Contestant - Challenge: GLEE Fest Contestant - Challenge: Pokemon Black & White Winner - Challenge: It's OVER 9000!!!! Winner - Challenge: best anime character Winner - Challenge: Summer in Feudal Japan Winner - Challenge: un-matching-backgrounds Contestant - Challenge: Mix and Match Contestant - Challenge: I heart theOtaku! Contestant - Challenge: Font Fun Contestant - Challenge: Be my Valentine. Contestant - Challenge: ANYSOMETHING! Contestant - Challenge: ANYSOMETHING! Contestant - Challenge: ANYSOMETHING! Contestant - Challenge: ANYSOMETHING! Contestant - Challenge: ANYSOMETHING! Contestant - Challenge: ANYSOMETHING! Contestant - Challenge: ANYSOMETHING! Creator - Design Time: Album Artwork. Winner - Challenge: Snow fun Contestant - Challenge: A new beginning Contestant - Challenge: All Things Creepy! Halloween Fun. Winner - Challenge: Comical Wallies! Contestant - Challenge: The Great Imitators Contestant - Challenge: The Great Imitators Contestant - Challenge: The Great Imitators Contestant - Challenge: anything you want! Contestant - Challenge: anything you want! Contestant - Challenge: anything you want! Contestant - Challenge: anything you want! Contestant - Challenge: Quality Over Quantity Creator - Back to the Basics! Contestant - Challenge: Walk, walk Fashion Baby! Contestant - Challenge: Your Life\'s Quote In A Card Contestant - Challenge: Your Life\'s Quote In A Card Winner - Challenge: Dude Surfs Up!!! (Promo) Free For All!!!!!!!! Contestant - Challenge: Lyrics Contestant - Challenge: Vocaloid Family! Contestant - Challenge: Vocaloid Family! Contestant - Challenge: feed the Senses Contestant - Challenge: Fall Outfits for 2010 Creator - Baby Time! ^-^ Contestant - Challenge: don\'t let time pass you by. Winner - Challenge: Inspiration appreciation Contestant - Challenge: What\'s your soul connected  to Winner - Challenge: Klondike Bar Contestant - Challenge: Make any Wallie you want :3 Contestant - Challenge: Make any Wallie you want :3 Contestant - Challenge: Make any Wallie you want :3 Winner - Challenge: A Dream Is A Wish You Heart Makes..... Contestant - Challenge: Be sexy in the PHOTO<3333 Contestant - Challenge: Be sexy in the PHOTO<3333 Contestant - Challenge: Be sexy in the PHOTO<3333 Contestant - Challenge: Be sexy in the PHOTO<3333 Contestant - Challenge: Make a Digimon wallpaper Contestant - Challenge: Rebirth of soul (poetry) Creator - Sweet Revenge! >:D Winner - Challenge: Epic Love Story Contestant - Challenge: YOUR favorite character Contestant - Challenge: YOUR favorite character Contestant - Challenge: Tell Me Where I Am... Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: ~Vocaloid Boys~ Contestant - Challenge: V i n t a g e. Contestant - Challenge: Bossman's Dalek Challenge Contestant - Challenge: ~ Word Art ~ Contestant - Challenge: ~ Word Art ~ Contestant - Challenge: ~*~School Rumble~*~ Contestant - Challenge: Kuroshitsuji :D Contestant - Challenge: Favorite songs Contestant - Challenge: Favorite songs Contestant - Challenge: Imagination.. do you have one? Contestant - Challenge: Imagination.. do you have one? Contestant - Challenge: Imagination.. do you have one? Contestant - Challenge: Bleach: The Smexiest Damn Card Ever! Contestant - Challenge: Music is life Contestant - Challenge: Music is life Contestant - Challenge: Sing me a Song Creator - Put the Winner - Challenge: make me LOLROTFLMAO Contestant - Challenge: Newbie Showcase! Contestant - Challenge: Newbie Showcase! Contestant - Challenge: Newbie Showcase! Contestant - Challenge: Give Me More Colors!! Contestant - Challenge: Give Me More Colors!! Contestant - Challenge: I HEART YOU! <3 Creator - TOO KAWAII!!! Contestant - Challenge: Usernameness~! Contestant - Challenge: Anything you want! Contestant - Challenge: Anything you want! Contestant - Challenge: Anything you want! Contestant - Challenge: Anything you want! Contestant - Challenge: MAKE A FUNNY ECARD!! Creator - That's sugoi! (Amazing!) Contestant - Challenge: Love Theme Contestant - Challenge: Love Theme Contestant - Challenge: Manga Covers!!! Contestant - Challenge: Now That\'s What I Call An Ad! Creator - Make me XD! Winner - Challenge: Pranksters Contestant - Challenge: Who Says Art Doesn\'t Feel? Contestant - Challenge: There is no one like you. Contestant - Challenge: There is no one like you. Contestant - Challenge: Make a funny christmas ecard! Contestant - Challenge: Best X-mas '09 Cards Contestant - Challenge: Best X-mas '09 Cards Contestant - Challenge: doodle dumps Contestant - Challenge: Badly Written Fan Fiction Time! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER! Contestant - Challenge: Halloween: Trick or Treat! Contestant - Challenge: Show me What I\'m Looking For! Contestant - Challenge: Hottest Anime Girls 2009 Contestant - Challenge: Make Me Laugh Contestant - Challenge: Make Me Laugh Contestant - Challenge: Make Me Laugh Contestant - Challenge: Make Me Laugh Contestant - Challenge: Draw a Chibi ! Contestant - Challenge: You and Ur POKEMON!!! YAY Contestant - Challenge: Just A Bunch of Failures!

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03/25/12 OH HAI--I'M ALIVE! :D 1dev13--Yet Another Otaku!
07/26/11 TEH KITTEN WAR BEGINZ! >D 1dev13--Yet Another Otaku!
07/22/11 the [unofficial] Otaku F.A.Q. [Information] 1dev13--Yet Another Otaku!
07/22/11 the [unofficial] Otaku F.A.Q. Project [Home] 1dev13--Yet Another Otaku!
07/28/11 .F E A R. *1dev13's Literary Works*

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