Quiz Results
I used to love this anime!!
What�s Your Bleach Fun-ness Level?
What Kingdom Hearts Character Are You?
No Comment
What Lucky Star Character Are You?
Miyuki! ^^
What XXXHolic Character Are You?
I dunno who she is; I only saw the first 4 episodes xD;;
Yaaaay!! My eye color! <33
What Organization XIII Member Are You?
Okaaay... The only thing in common is our love of moons. -_-;
What Power Puff Girl Z Are You?
Hehe, Bubbles~
What Kingdom Hearts Type Are You?
Alrighty then! xD; I wanted a cool answer..
What Zanpakutou Would You Have?
What Ninja Technique Fits You Best?
Cooooool~ My OC only really uses those anyway. ;)
What Shugo Chara Guardian Are You?
Miki! :D
Haha, Mori-sempai? ^^;
What Vampire Knight Character Are You?
Awkward... o3o;
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