Quiz Results
What Personality Problem Are You?
<_< What..? I tend to think my drawing could be better but they aren't that bad...
But I don't like fighting -_-' ... and I wanna be in the 9th Division...
What�s Your Bleach Fun-ness Level?
-_-' ... well, it's not completely accurate...
What Zanpakutou Would You Have?
Meh, that's cool I guess.
What Bleach Minor Character Are You?
Hmm, sure, I guess so.
I'm a girl, I'm quiet, I cross my arms a lot. Yeah, it fits pretty good.
I object! That relationship wouldn't last very long at all... our personalities don't complement each other at all.
Sounds about right. I don't really know, since I've only seen a few episodes...
That's not the class I would choose... but whatever.
Awesome! ^_^ I Wuv You Lavi!
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