Quiz Results Burninglilly
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hehe, I love that I get to relate to Konata =w=
Flirty? Well yeah with my friends, but once you put a guy into the mix.... EEP! I'm blushing just thinking about it!! >////<
I should just face the fact that my persona is sarina..
YAY! Jealousy is good! Cuz then I know he'd be mine forever and ever and he'd never want anyone other than me! (I'm not creepy I swear!)
H-his p-p-princess????!!! >/////<
I have low sanity?
What Is Your Level Of Randomness?
WOW! I didn't think I answered these questions well enough for this to be right but... there you go. Immo choose the random answers now
What Dark Type Pokemon Are You?
unshakable? yes, sometimes, but every now and then when those darker memeries come around...
What Soul Eater Character Are You?
Ah do lieks to haz fun
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I don't think I'm bratty >3>
What K-ON! Band Character Are You?
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