jikosangel Featured Posts

Date Title World
11/28/13 MORE RECENT WORKS :D [GinnyDarling<3]
03/15/13 Updates! L<3veME// [always]
04/20/12 ANNOUNCEMENTS!! L<3veME// [always]
04/17/12 Poll!! Need your help >.> L<3veME// [always]
04/13/12 [WELL HELLO THERE] L<3veME// [always]
01/15/12 [my year so far] L<3veME// [always]
12/09/11 Already....? L<3veME// [always]
10/14/11 the HARRY POTTER set!! [GinnyDarling<3]
10/14/11 Update Your Fairytale [GinnyDarling<3]
10/14/11 ROMEO!! [GinnyDarling<3]
10/13/11 Nightmare....Halloween! [GinnyDarling<3]
10/13/11 For the BESTIE [GinnyDarling<3]
10/13/11 Sanrio <3 [GinnyDarling<3]
10/12/11 just for KONEKO [GinnyDarling<3]
10/09/11 i gots tagged (by swizzle-chan!) L<3veME// [always]
09/24/11 PUNK ROCK ALICE <3 [GinnyDarling<3]
09/24/11 UPDATE YOUR FAIRYTALE <3 [GinnyDarling<3]
09/21/11 Ideas, Ideas, Ideas <3 [GinnyDarling<3]
09/18/11 Pirates!! [GinnyDarling<3]
09/18/11 Military Model [GinnyDarling<3]
09/18/11 Punk it up! [GinnyDarling<3]
09/18/11 Autumn's Colors [GinnyDarling<3]
09/18/11 WICKED!! [GinnyDarling<3]
09/18/11 Going Victorian [GinnyDarling<3]
09/14/11 [HEYjuliet] <3 [GinnyDarling<3]
09/14/11 Anything Cuter than Panda? [GinnyDarling<3]
09/14/11 Fall Line! [GinnyDarling<3]
09/10/11 Still More! [GinnyDarling<3]
09/10/11 It Never Ends! [GinnyDarling<3]
09/10/11 More, more, more! [GinnyDarling<3]
09/10/11 Outfit the second! [GinnyDarling<3]
09/10/11 Outfits Galore! [GinnyDarling<3]
08/19/11 Viridian Update! [GREENtheGLOBE]
08/17/11 Save, Save, Save <3 [GREENtheGLOBE]
08/13/11 Saving the planet! [GREENtheGLOBE]
08/13/11 long time no see!! L<3veME// [always]
06/21/11 Image [within] L<3veME// [always]
06/15/11 SUMMER....hanging in the balance// L<3veME// [always]
06/07/11 Summer 2011.....// L<3veME// [always]
05/26/11 DRAFTS- clothing design <3 L<3veME// [always]
05/12/11 [check it out, check it out] L<3veME// [always]
05/12/11 omg it's SUMMER!!!! L<3veME// [always]
05/03/11 haaaaaa...positive? L<3veME// [always]
05/03/11 [longest 2 days of my life// L<3veME// [always]
04/20/11 ONE YEAR! L<3veME// [always]
04/13/11 [apologies AND updates] L<3veME// [always]
03/29/11 [sometimes...i really hate him] L<3veME// [always]
03/25/11 [updates and such] L<3veME// [always]
03/07/11 March, the month of my birth! L<3veME// [always]
02/18/11 And finally, 2011 L<3veME// [always]
01/09/11 2010-the year that sucked. big time. L<3veME// [always]
01/09/11 /...and it continues.../ L<3veME// [always]
01/07/11 //2009-the saga continues! L<3veME// [always]
12/15/10 high school: the rest// L<3veME// [always]
12/15/10 [well high school's a long story indeed! L<3veME// [always]
12/15/10 ...where was i?? right, jr high hell// L<3veME// [always]
12/02/10 //stuck in the middle with you] L<3veME// [always]
12/01/10 the Beginning? Intro, really L<3veME// [always]
12/01/10 Welcome to my life// L<3veME// [always]
11/23/10 The Truth About Forever by Sarah Dessen books are love.
10/01/10 theOtaku Heaader Mascot Slam!! Punk GOTH(loli) Drunk
09/07/10 Our WEBSITE// Punk GOTH(loli) Drunk
09/05/10 Getting Ready Early! Punk GOTH(loli) Drunk
09/03/10 Punk GOTH(loli) Drunk <3 Punk GOTH(loli) Drunk

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