Quiz Results
I've always preferred the fighter-mage, though..
RPG Stereotypes: Who Needs Em? YOU DO!
Hey, Black Mage! Haha! I'll Hadouken you to yesterday. XD
What Type Of Superhero Would Adam Be?
Gadget guy Adam? hahahaha... amusing quiz.
Well, I don't really watch the show, but got curious since a lot of the folks here watch it... Great at fixing problems, eh? Yeah...
What Type Of Adam Would YOU Be?
Hahahahahahaha... amusing. XD
:O Nightbeck!
What Sort Of theOtaku Member Are You?
I llike the description... though since it asked for a male/female question... I would have preferred a different result image. XD
What Lucky Star Character Are You?
Amusing result,... half-expected from the choices, though. XD
...mudkips... > >
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