Quiz Results jomz

I've always preferred the fighter-mage, though..

RPG Stereotypes: Who Needs Em? YOU DO!

Hey, Black Mage! Haha! I'll Hadouken you to yesterday. XD


What Type Of Superhero Would Adam Be?

Gadget guy Adam? hahahaha... amusing quiz.

Which My Little Pony Are You?

Well, I don't really watch the show, but got curious since a lot of the folks here watch it... Great at fixing problems, eh? Yeah...

What Type Of Adam Would YOU Be?

Hahahahahahaha... amusing. XD

:O Nightbeck!

What Sort Of theOtaku Member Are You?

I llike the description... though since it asked for a male/female question... I would have preferred a different result image. XD

What Lucky Star Character Are You?

Amusing result,... half-expected from the choices, though. XD

What Mudkip Are You?

...mudkips... > >

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