Quiz Results
Are You An Ultimate Quiz Taker?
Yeah. I guess...
Hehehe.. That's fine.
What Is Your Level Of Randomness?
Heheheh.. Yeah!! (I guess...)
Which Okami Character Are You?
Oohh... I don't like the last part. That's not true. But anyways it was a fun quiz.
What H30199 Character Are You Like?
Cool....! Yeah.. I'm evil and mischievous but of course I'm kind, still. *grin*
What Soul Eater Guy Is For You?
Cool! Soul Evans!
What Food Corresponds to Your Personality?
Well, I can be childish. And I love milks!!
What Is Your Entertainment Career Path?
Wow! That's nice! *grin*
Which Pandora Hearts Character Are You?
Sugoi!!! Oz!! That's very nice!!!
What Anime Personality Are You?
Ah!! Tohru!! That would such an honor!!
What Soul Eater Character Are You?
Cool!! Almost all of it!!
*grin* heehee... I read shoujo manga, so I guess that's predictable.
What Full Moon Character Are You?
Really?! I didn't expect that... Oh well, it's just a quzz
Who Would Be Your Mare Of Honor?
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