Quiz Results raidergrl
Are You A Tsundere Or A Yandere?
Correct! I knew I was neither to start with:)
Are You A Tsundere Or A Yandere?
Correct! I knew I was neither to start with:)
Which Okami Character Are You?
Which Dragon Of Heaven Are You?
I should watch this show:) Just took test to see what I'd get out of random:p
What Vampire Knight Character Are You?
Yay!~~Yuki is awesome! Luv her with long hair though:3
I can see why.
Vegetas cool~~~~~
Im happy:) Although my other favs are gaara, sasuke, kiba<3 .....not in any special order, or anything
Haha my favorite!! Thankchuu!!:3
Heh! I knew it! Im awesome that way! heehee:D
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