Quiz Results RinkuKunLuv
What Popular Video Game Genre Are You?
lol rarely play shooting games but halo and CoD is my favorite..im always a fantasy,Action,Adventure person..but seeing how im hardcore and play games for hours..this might be so?0-0
Which SSB Character Would You Be?
Lol why am i always link..but OMG HES MY FAVORITE CHARATER..especially toonlink..*Fangirl scream and hugs her toonie plushie* Again im into small,Cartoon,Child stuff..chibiness!><
What Harvest Moon Girl Are You?
Never heard of her before...guess im way into more friends of mineral town..-.-",I should get the newer HM games..
i do love the beach,The sounds of the waves going SWOOCH!xD
What Older Mario Game Are You?
i used to always play yoshi's island!Tho i was hoping for paperMario cause i love cartoon Childish games..like zelda windwaker<3
Awsome~!Yet,I forgotten about this anime~!I remember it was funny tho..hmph what ev.
yea,Thats me..hardcore gamer girl
yay normal mudkip
What Sonic-X Character Are You?
AWW SONIC,I wana give him a hug!My childhood charater..><
What Fairy Tail Character Are You?
Just awsome
What Kingdom Hearts Character Are You?
Results for kingdomhearts
My Little Pony Personality Test!
Rainbow sonic boom! Yes~!^w^
Which Zelda Character Are You?
Lol why am i getting amaxing results!xD 1st try..;P
Even more zelda results
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