Quiz Results
Sane Restriction
What Anime Hair Color Best Suits Your Personality?
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I'm a little 'foul-mouthed, you could say, and, although not male chauvinistic, I'm certainly not feministic. All other mentioned traits, aside, I guess this wasn't 'entirely' inaccurate.
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And yet saner since last time. Maturity is catching up to me faster than I woud like....
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Which Hetalia Character Are You?
England has big eyebrows.
Retook this quiz. Apparently, I've gotten saner since the last time I took it.
Who's Nel? O.o Isn't she, like... the former 3rd Espada or something? Like... does that mean Halibel replaced her... or something? (Never really watched Bleach except for about half of the first episode)
Gin's my favorite character besides Byakuya Kuchiki, although I've never really seen Bleach before... just about half of the first episode.
Which TWEWY Character Are You?
Joshua was my favorite characters besides Sho.
What Hetalia Nordic Country are you?
I've never seen/read Bleach, so unfortunately I can't say I know who this is. But he looks cool, so I guess I'm okay with it.
Which Kuroshitsuji Character Would You Date?
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Which Durarara!! Character Are You?
I'm not evil. I swear.
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