Quiz Results ShanianChick96
What Are Your Last Words Before GAME OVER?
What Popular Video Game Genre Are You?
??? what?
What Older Mario Game Are You?
But I have never played this game!!!!?! T-T/O.o/'XD
Which Harvest Moon Gal Are You?
A spider the size of your fist jumps on you hand. what do you do?: Screm bloddy murder & run away. Kyaa! LAMOLAMOLAMO!!!
What Harvest Moon Girl Are You?
hm. I clearly have not played THIS HM...Ick...a nerd. >.<
What Kingdom Hearts Character Are You?
Eh...I have to clue what to think about this, I have never played kingdom hearts, I have only heard of it...'XD
What Vampire Knight Character Are You?
Eh.....kinda? O.o IM A GIRL! lol
Who Is Your Naruto Fighting Partner?
WTF!!! AGAIN?!?!?! I am NOT stupid!
ICK! O.o
What Naruto Character Are You?
WTF? I love naruto, but im a GIRL! LAMO!
Oh no! Lamo!
I have not gotten far enough in the show to see him, so I don't know what to think of this. 'XD
Which Male Genin Would Date You?
Im SOO unlike him, but...Woot Woot! XD
gender confused?!? Wtf? O.o
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