Quiz Results
What Tsubasa Character Are You?
DUDE... i wouldn't say im exactly like him but im pretty damn close
What Yami No Matsuei Guy Are You?
Wow, <333333333
uh. . . who?
What Shugo Chara Guardian Are You?
ha ha. . . cute
XD thats pretty funneh. . . . *melts into quivering fangilish puddle*
What Loveless Character Are You?
I can't believe how acurate this is
What Rurouni Kenshin Guy Are You?
What Female FMA Character Are You?
No Comment
What Kuroshitsuji Character Are You?
X3 * nose bleed *
AWESOME he's so cute X3
What Loveless Character Are You?
But ...... I Believe in Love, Everything in this is true about me exept the "Love" thing....
What Digimon Character Are You?
LOVE him!!!
What Digimon Character Are You?
Freakin' AWESOME
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