Quiz Results
SuPeR OtaKu
awwww shit!
*Shurgs* i donno nothin. lol
What Whacked Out Adventures Of Friends Character Are You?
100% right.
yep totally me
......*Fan girl scream* Ah now i can die happy...*Faints*
What Shugo Chara Guardian Are You?
yep that me; Annoying!!!!!!! lol
HELL YEA!!!!!!!!!!!
What Gakuen Alice Character Are You?
*Sigh* I AM A GIRL!!!!!! but yes i tend to be tomboyish but STILL!!!!! REALLY??!?!?!?!!
What Naruto Character Are You?
why do i keep getting her?! i HATE HER!!!!!!!!!!!!
wow thats really true....DONT U DARE MAKE FUN OR ESLE.......*Evil ura and dark background* MUHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
*Blush*......Um okay...
What Type of Anime Girl Are You?
*Shurgs* Eh, it was okay....
BLAH!! I HATE SAKURA!!!!!! srry sakura fans.......Not really......
cute quiz!
What Is Your Anime Hair Color?
awww i was going for pink! (the only reson why is cuz thats the hair color of my hero/ alter ego!!
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