Quiz Results
Which Hetalia Guy Would You Date?
*w* Meep!! Yay!!!
What Soul Eater Guy Is For You?
OwO yessss..
What FLCL Female Character Are You?
:3 yay, my favorite couple!!
Took that for the fun of it, never seen the show, but ok...
What Power Puff Girl Z Are You?
PSSSSHH!!! whatever...
What FLCL Female Character Are You?
OH FOR JOY!!! <3 I love the twins...teehee! I like Hikaru more though. Don't worry, Kaoru...you're still in my heart as well...hehe!
Which Mew Mew Are You Most Like?
hmm......nah I don't think so...sadly.
What Loveless Character Are You?
hahaha...uh...maybe...a little...
Which Chobits Character Are You?
ohh, cuuuuuute! I love Chii. She's so adorable.
What Lucky Star Character Are You?
happy nature, my ass! haha!
What School Rumble Character Are You?
mind games are fun to play. O-o
hehe. I won't deny it. That is occasionally true.
pssssssssssh...only sometimes...
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