ZelostheGreat Featured Posts

Date Title World
11/03/13 Pre-Chapter 1: The First Pact Tales of People
10/29/13 Aurora's Data Tales of People
10/29/13 Mhanoric's Data Tales of People
07/05/12 Sup My Freakin' World
06/30/12 OC Colors in Freaking JPG Format because no o.. My Freakin' World
06/17/12 Flipnote Contest My Freakin' World
06/12/12 It Just Happened My Freakin' World
06/10/12 Songs Songs Songs A Collection: Vocaloid Song
06/03/12 Wishful Cosplay My Freakin' World
06/03/12 Miki Scrolling A Collection: Vocaloid Song
06/02/12 Arre - Events .:War of the Fa||en:.
06/03/12 Distrubuting All My Peeps My Freakin' World
05/28/12 Yeah! My Freakin' World
05/20/12 Dang Weekends and 3,000 Views! My Freakin' World
05/08/12 This Saturday!!! My Freakin' World
04/30/12 Arre - Let's Begin .:War of the Fa||en:.
04/28/12 BRS Plushie!!! My Freakin' World
04/22/12 Fallen Girl Preview My Freakin' World
04/14/12 I'M NOT TAKING NO FOR AN ANSWER My Freakin' World
04/08/12 SUPER MOE! Vocaloid's musical paradise
04/06/12 4:30 Post... My Freakin' World
04/06/12 BRS TV Episode 1 (for realzies) My Freakin' World
04/03/12 I GOTS ME A WIG! My Freakin' World
03/24/12 PKM X TOS Win! My Freakin' World
03/18/12 IA A Collection: Vocaloid Song
03/18/12 Kyurem My Freakin' World
03/17/12 Alicie's Special Day is Arriving!!! My Freakin' World
03/17/12 Caitlin! She Grew Up (PKM) My Freakin' World
03/14/12 Present My Freakin' World
02/23/12 Pretty ending!!!! My Freakin' World
02/22/12 TY Funimation! My Freakin' World
02/21/12 Night vs Day on Route 229~! My Freakin' World
02/18/12 Scary Lock Up... My Freakin' World
02/13/12 To the 1 Gp I Solute You! My Freakin' World
02/09/12 And I Add the GPosters in Dull Hopes! My Freakin' World
02/09/12 BRSP Ep 1 My Freakin' World
02/05/12 Happy Freaking Week! My Freakin' World
02/04/12 WHAT COLOR?! My Freakin' World
02/03/12 Freaking Week!!! My Freakin' World
01/30/12 Multi-Topic My Freakin' World
01/24/12 Let's Talk About SPEARS~!!!! My Freakin' World
01/22/12 CYBER THUNDER CIDER~! Vocaloid's musical paradise
01/19/12 Upcoming Project-ish Crap My Freakin' World
01/15/12 A Diverse Collection of Songs A Collection: Vocaloid Song
01/15/12 Luls. My Freakin' World
01/12/12 My Favorite Channel My Freakin' World
01/10/12 Neumi/Devan-ish - The Gift of Anger II Pandora's Library
01/10/12 NNNNOOOOOo My Freakin' World
01/08/12 *****Neumi - My Gift of Anger Pandora's Library
01/04/12 TO ALL BRS FANS! My Freakin' World
01/04/12 Dream Eating Girl on the Sand A Collection: Vocaloid Song
01/03/12 That Smile - Neumi Pandora's Library
01/02/12 I want THISSS!!!!!! My Freakin' World
01/01/12 Happy New Year! A Collection: Vocaloid Song
12/29/11 Yeah~!!!! My Freakin' World
12/25/11 Those Little Obsessions and Do-Dads and Such My Freakin' World
12/23/11 OMG GGAGAGGAGAGGAGGAG My Freakin' World
12/22/11 Ruins of Deep Knowledge - Neumi Pandora's Library
12/22/11 A Good-With-People Midgit and a Little Boy's.. My Freakin' World
12/21/11 Merry Christmas! Just think VOCALOID!~
12/18/11 I like this producer... Kekekeke My Freakin' World
12/17/11 Instant Otaku Connection My Freakin' World
12/16/11 AWESOME SONGS A Collection: Vocaloid Song
12/12/11 Awsome Openings~!!!! My Freakin' World
12/11/11 Neumi - Moar Ruins Pandora's Library
12/10/11 Neumi- Failure Pandora's Library
12/10/11 Neumi - MANGE!!!!! Pandora's Library
12/09/11 Neumi - Start Pandora's Library
12/09/11 Neumi Nagai - Profile!!! Pandora's Library
11/29/11 Random Questions to the World of Mine My Freakin' World
11/29/11 Look What I Made! My Freakin' World
11/27/11 Yuzuki Yukari ~ Demos! My Freakin' World
11/27/11 If Only I Could... My Freakin' World
11/25/11 AHHHHHH I A LOVE YOU SHILOH STRONG!!!!!!!! My Freakin' World
11/22/11 Upon My Studies of Anime and Manga My Freakin' World
11/14/11 Super Miki-Chan Aime Amie! Just think VOCALOID!~
11/13/11 Many Demos! A Collection: Vocaloid Song
11/08/11 Dear God, HE'S HERE!!!! My Freakin' World
11/07/11 NYA~~~~~~~!!!! A Collection: Vocaloid Song
11/07/11 Muhahahahaha~! My Freakin' World
11/06/11 Ceramics My Freakin' World
11/06/11 Sims! My Freakin' World
11/05/11 Those Catz! My Freakin' World
10/30/11 Addiction? Possibly~! My Freakin' World
10/26/11 Sorry It Took Me So Long - ZtG Pandora's Library
10/15/11 Problems - Ztg Pandora's Library
10/15/11 Pah! These People! - ZtG Pandora's Library
10/12/11 Catherine! Epic! My Freakin' World
10/09/11 Two Breaths Walking - Covers!!!! A Collection: Vocaloid Song
10/09/11 So Lonley - ZtAirhead Pandora's Library
10/09/11 Lots of Cool Stuff!!!!! My Freakin' World
10/04/11 Creepy? ... Yes PLZ... - Miki Just think VOCALOID!~
10/02/11 I'm Soooo Stunned... - ZtG Pandora's Library
10/01/11 Stupid Feet! - ZtG Pandora's Library
09/30/11 Deal, and A Lovely One, Too - ZtG Pandora's Library
09/30/11 Wait... - ZtG Pandora's Library
09/26/11 My Hair!! My Freakin' World
09/24/11 Mutha F'in Broiche! My Freakin' World
09/23/11 PORTAL!! My Freakin' World
09/23/11 No Motive - ZtG Pandora's Library
09/22/11 Ayaka's Veiw / Homeroom - ZtGreatest Pandora's Library
09/21/11 Locked In - ZtG Pandora's Library
09/20/11 Scraps and Shreads - ZtG Pandora's Library
09/19/11 J.A. My Freakin' World
09/18/11 OH MY GAH! A Collection: Vocaloid Song
09/18/11 Akikoroid-chan! Welcome to Vocaloid 3! Vocaloid's musical paradise
09/16/11 WTDF is up, Otaku? My Freakin' World
09/16/11 Hurry Up! My Freakin' World
09/15/11 Scraps and Pieces - ZtG Pandora's Library
09/14/11 Izumi's Arrival! - ZtG Pandora's Library
09/14/11 ZelostheGreat's Student: Izumi Pandora's Library
09/11/11 Miki's Love is War! Just think VOCALOID!~
09/10/11 1.8 Mutha Uckas! My Freakin' World
09/06/11 Awsome Sauce/Random Songs! A Collection: Vocaloid Song
09/05/11 Camping... My Freakin' World
09/05/11 Oh My .... A Collection: Vocaloid Song
08/30/11 Whag? My Freakin' World
08/29/11 Pffffhjjjt My Freakin' World
08/27/11 I AM MIKI! Just think VOCALOID!~
08/26/11 Oh, It's BRIAN! My Freakin' World
08/26/11 I Had the Weirdest Dream... My Freakin' World
08/22/11 Dark Woods Series A Collection: Vocaloid Song
08/21/11 DestinedRed (or just Destined Red) A Collection: Vocaloid Song
08/19/11 The UTAU Tei Sukone A Collection: Vocaloid Song
08/19/11 Adding Skeleton Life to the Band My Freakin' World
08/14/11 That Other Person My Freakin' World
08/08/11 CUL - Still Stuck in MMD, eh? A Collection: Vocaloid Song
08/03/11 This Morning's Blooddraws My Freakin' World
08/02/11 What A High-Quality UTAU Voicebank Can Get Yo.. A Collection: Vocaloid Song
08/01/11 #2, Always And FOREVERRRRRRRRRR... My Freakin' World
08/01/11 Trees and Bacon Sing? How? UTAULOID, of Cours.. A Collection: Vocaloid Song
07/31/11 Saihate: The Furthest End A Collection: Vocaloid Song
07/31/11 Miki, MIku & GUMI (Cause I'm BORED) My Freakin' World
07/24/11 Shut Up, Get Out, I'm DONE. My Freakin' World
09/09/11 Ring Suzune: Her Future Voice Provider Vocaloid's musical paradise
07/20/11 Look at this badass minecraft skin! My Freakin' World
07/20/11 Wowaka-P's Epic Fast-Paced Songs My Freakin' World
07/18/11 Para and Anti Chloro... My Freakin' World
07/13/11 Sometimes when I listen to music on my headp.. My Freakin' World
07/01/11 Minecraft Servers Host Weirdos My Freakin' World
06/28/11 Lull-a-bye My Freakin' World
06/27/11 Come On! My Freakin' World
06/24/11 Oblivious Fools My Freakin' World
06/23/11 Yasai Jusu! My Freakin' World
06/22/11 From Alicie (and Black Kiss) HQ My Freakin' World
06/21/11 Aww Man... My Freakin' World
06/18/11 Any Tips? My Freakin' World
06/15/11 Teto-chan cuteness! My Freakin' World
06/13/11 MINECRAFTTTTTTT!!!! My Freakin' World
06/05/11 :,< My Freakin' World
06/01/11 Vocaloid - Piko Utatane Vocaloid's musical paradise
05/31/11 z My Freakin' World
05/30/11 Bored Stiff My Freakin' World
05/28/11 Yeah... My Freakin' World
05/21/11 Tsuman-ne My Freakin' World
05/20/11 Otakuite++!!! My Freakin' World
05/19/11 *Sigh* My Freakin' World
05/16/11 Chaosmaid/ Akume Iku Training Diary Vocaloid's musical paradise
05/12/11 Gatekeeper - Izura Ne - ZelostheGreat Chronos War
05/12/11 Today is my Birthday My Freakin' World
05/08/11 VY2 beastnesssss My Freakin' World
05/08/11 REALLY Fucking Pissed OFF!!!!! D:<<<.. My Freakin' World
05/06/11 Major Highlights: My Freakin' World
05/02/11 Just the cutest name evevevever My Freakin' World
05/01/11 Cio- Decay The Otherworlds
04/29/11 TRIPLE Ducklings My Freakin' World
04/28/11 Well well! My Freakin' World
04/26/11 *ssssnnnffffrrrfff* My Freakin' World
04/25/11 CALLING ALL RIN KAGAMINE FANS!!! My Freakin' World
04/24/11 Vocaloid - VY2 Vocaloid's musical paradise
04/23/11 Scarmamento! And Fairfield! My Freakin' World
04/21/11 Present! My Freakin' World
04/20/11 UTAUloid (VIPPERloid)- Ritsu Namine Vocaloid's musical paradise
04/20/11 Weat Coast! My Freakin' World
04/18/11 Oh GOD!!!!! My Freakin' World
04/12/11 :'D My Freakin' World
04/14/11 25 Days of Mom! My Freakin' World
04/09/11 Status.... My Freakin' World
04/07/11 Cio- We Are Looking For You!!! The Otherworlds
04/05/11 Everything! My Freakin' World
04/04/11 Cio- . . . One Guy... The Otherworlds
04/03/11 Pokemon Black!!! My Freakin' World
04/02/11 Awww... Poor Death's Academy... :C My Freakin' World
04/02/11 Vocaloid Rap!!!! :D My Freakin' World
04/02/11 Cio- Ill Fated The Otherworlds
03/31/11 Whoops. Not My Fault My Freakin' World
03/29/11 Good, No, GREAT Song My Freakin' World
03/29/11 Damn~~~~~~~~~~~! My Freakin' World
03/29/11 Cio- Winging It! The Otherworlds
03/28/11 :D My Freakin' World
03/28/11 Cio- Elfs and Halflings The Otherworlds
03/27/11 It it OK to brake down over a video game? Why.. My Freakin' World
03/27/11 MEIKO Vocaloid's musical paradise
03/27/11 Cio- Sickness The Otherworlds
03/25/11 ALICIE!!!!!!!!!! LOOOKKKKKK!!! My Freakin' World
03/22/11 BlackRockshooter Vocaloid's musical paradise
03/20/11 Weapon My Freakin' World
03/18/11 X_X My Freakin' World
03/17/11 Hahahah... My Freakin' World
03/16/11 Cio- D'= The Otherworlds
03/15/11 Cio- Long Ride The Otherworlds
03/14/11 Solve Me!!! My Freakin' World
03/12/11 Majorly Bored My Freakin' World
03/12/11 Happy Birthday! My Freakin' World
03/08/11 Word of the Day: Glomp!!! and Other Things! My Freakin' World
03/07/11 The Sweetest Tune... Only Throught Pokemon! My Freakin' World
03/06/11 :T Dang... My Freakin' World
03/05/11 Vocaliod - Luka Megurine Vocaloid's musical paradise
03/05/11 Super Info Time! My Freakin' World
03/03/11 Cio- Level Up! The Otherworlds
03/03/11 Cio- With Tought Comes Age The Otherworlds
03/01/11 Cio- Age The Otherworlds
02/28/11 DDANG SCATTTT! My Freakin' World
02/26/11 LIFE My Freakin' World
02/26/11 Cio- Yukki's Super Cuteness!!!! The Otherworlds
02/25/11 Um... It snowed... My Freakin' World
02/23/11 Many Many Things My Freakin' World
02/21/11 Cio- SUPRISE! The Otherworlds
02/20/11 @A@~* My Freakin' World
02/19/11 Cio- Training The Otherworlds
02/19/11 Cio- Meditation, Meditation, Medication The Otherworlds
02/15/11 Salon Box... *WTF?!* My Freakin' World
02/15/11 Cio- Powers... The Otherworlds
02/14/11 Cio- FOOD?!?!?!?!?!? The Otherworlds
02/14/11 Cio- Anyone Know What You Get When You Add Sa.. The Otherworlds
02/13/11 Umm... Guys... What Is Wrong???? My Freakin' World
02/25/11 Wig Help... My Freakin' World
02/12/11 Cio- Sides The Otherworlds
02/12/11 Stop Blowing Your Nose Unless You Want To Get.. My Freakin' World
02/12/11 Cio- You and I and Them The Otherworlds
02/12/11 Cio- Machine Thingy The Otherworlds
02/11/11 Cio- This New Place The Otherworlds
02/11/11 Cio- Leon The Otherworlds
02/10/11 Cio- Interception! The Otherworlds
02/10/11 Cio- Because, You Know... The Otherworlds
02/09/11 Cio- Victor and Maria and Them The Otherworlds
02/08/11 Cio- Injuries... The Otherworlds
02/07/11 :3 3 My Freakin' World
02/07/11 :3 2 My Freakin' World
02/06/11 :3 My Freakin' World
02/06/11 Ponchooooo Powers, Activate!!! My Freakin' World
02/06/11 Cio- I'm Gunna Fix This. Myself. The Otherworlds
09/10/11 Me and Cashe Death's Academy
02/06/11 Cio- :( The Otherworlds
02/05/11 I Actually Didn't Fail!!! My Freakin' World
02/05/11 Cio- Now Isn't Really The Time, You Guys! The Otherworlds
02/05/11 Not Again My Freakin' World
02/04/11 Cio- Fire!!!!! Must. Burn. Burn! BURN! The Otherworlds
02/04/11 I Actually Didn't Have A Suck Day!!!! My Freakin' World
02/02/11 Lol... John My Freakin' World
02/01/11 Cio- But Wait! There's More! The Otherworlds
01/31/11 Complications My Freakin' World
01/30/11 Riddle My Freakin' World
01/30/11 Cio- Ants The Otherworlds
01/30/11 Addressing Many Facts My Freakin' World
01/29/11 Story Time!!!!! My Freakin' World
01/29/11 Cio- Whoops The Otherworlds
01/28/11 Grades My Freakin' World
01/28/11 Regroup Death's Academy
01/27/11 BLACK KISSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My Freakin' World
01/27/11 Oh No Death's Academy
01/26/11 Cio- Weird Dreams The Otherworlds
01/25/11 Cio- Spati and Seal The Otherworlds
01/24/11 Cio- How I Know Yuuki-sama The Otherworlds
01/24/11 Hardness My Freakin' World
01/24/11 Cio- To Your Rescue!!! The Otherworlds
01/23/11 Head On Death's Academy
01/22/11 Cio's Sign Up Sheet The Otherworlds
01/21/11 STORY My Freakin' World
01/19/11 Injury Death's Academy
01/19/11 What?! No! Cunning Devil
01/19/11 Len is Scary When He's a Playboy... My Freakin' World
01/17/11 Am I the Only One Alive? My Freakin' World
01/17/11 The Exshral Death's Academy
01/16/11 Just Be Friends My Freakin' World
01/15/11 *Screams* My Freakin' World
01/15/11 No One's On! My Freakin' World
01/15/11 Welcome to my World Death's Academy
01/14/11 For Alicie My Freakin' World
01/14/11 Home Sweet Home? Death's Academy
01/14/11 I GOT TO DANCE WITH ALICIE!!!!!! =D My Freakin' World
01/13/11 Told Death's Academy
01/13/11 =D My Freakin' World
01/13/11 S.O.S Death's Academy
01/12/11 Oh No! Death's Academy
01/12/11 Seraphi You Weenie Death's Academy
01/11/11 Mental Find-Yourself Rollercoaster Death's Academy
01/11/11 Ghosties Death's Academy
01/10/11 Sniff... Way to be Sad! Death's Academy
01/09/11 Mindless Chatter Death's Academy
01/09/11 Who's a Jew? My Freakin' World
01/09/11 Lead the Way Cece! Death's Academy
01/08/11 Keystlogical My Freakin' World
01/08/11 To the Rescue! Death's Academy
01/08/11 ZelostheGreat and Black Kiss's sleepover conv.. My Freakin' World
01/06/11 Woha... Death's Academy
01/04/11 Holy Lol My Freakin' World
01/03/11 Flashback Cunning Devil
01/03/11 Oh Fuck... My Freakin' World
12/28/10 A Little Talking then a Little Punching Death's Academy
12/27/10 Oh! What? No!!!! My Freakin' World
12/27/10 Split Personality Story! My Freakin' World
12/26/10 Cashe and I Death's Academy
12/26/10 Lets Just Hope This Isn't A Normal Thing... My Freakin' World
12/26/10 Marta the Cat?! My Freakin' World
12/25/10 Tired Death's Academy
12/23/10 Adorable Worries My Freakin' World
12/23/10 After That Death's Academy
12/23/10 What A Loon and Other Fantastic Things My Freakin' World
12/22/10 Dexter's Lab!!! My Freakin' World
12/21/10 Lets Fool Around with Google Translate! My Freakin' World
12/21/10 Bored My Freakin' World
12/21/10 And Let Us Continue Please Death's Academy
12/20/10 I Love You Death's Academy
12/21/10 Absolutely Cunning Devil
12/20/10 Blood My Freakin' World
12/19/10 Back to the Dance Death's Academy
12/19/10 An Unexpected Mixture My Freakin' World
12/18/10 To My Bland Night I Give You Spices Death's Academy
12/18/10 The Harbinger My Freakin' World
12/18/10 My Icon! My Freakin' World
12/18/10 Slow Dance Death's Academy
12/17/10 Torture by Hair My Freakin' World
12/16/10 Seraphi the Ken Doll Death's Academy
12/16/10 Like Twins Death's Academy
12/15/10 The Untangeable Kiss Death's Academy
12/17/10 Don't Fear the Post! My Freakin' World
12/14/10 Solanum- It Does Not Create Life, It Alters I.. My Freakin' World
12/14/10 DEFLECTO!!!!!!! My Freakin' World
12/14/10 Dance, Well, Almost! Death's Academy
12/13/10 BAWWWWWWWWWA!!!!!! My Freakin' World
12/13/10 Setting Up Death's Academy
12/13/10 Whoops Death's Academy
12/13/10 Friends.... My Freakin' World
12/12/10 What Happened that Night Death's Academy
12/12/10 This Dance Thing... Ugh Death's Academy
12/12/10 :( My Freakin' World
12/12/10 Fake Post- Joy Ride Death's Academy
12/11/10 Bored My Freakin' World
12/11/10 Everyone Disunited Death's Academy
12/11/10 Lets See It Cunning Devil
12/10/10 Dance!!!!! My Freakin' World
12/10/10 I'm A Babysitter! Cunning Devil
12/09/10 The Best Compliment Ever! My Freakin' World
12/09/10 Oh, Pardon Me Death's Academy
12/09/10 They All are G-Gorgeous! Cunning Devil
12/09/10 ErrOrRRRRRRRRRrRrrrrrrrRrr My Freakin' World
12/09/10 Sign Up Cunning Devil
12/08/10 Prof.- My Babies, My Loves Cunning Devil
12/08/10 EKKKK!!! Death's Academy
12/08/10 JC and EJ My Freakin' World
12/07/10 CHECK THIS OUT!!!! My Freakin' World
12/07/10 Professor Grey Me Cunning Devil
12/26/10 Rules Cunning Devil
12/26/10 One Goal Cunning Devil
12/06/10 Sign Up Cunning Devil
12/06/10 +! My Freakin' World
12/05/10 Very Annoying Things My Freakin' World
12/08/10 Huh? Death's Academy
12/03/10 Tired Death's Academy
12/03/10 Olololololod My Freakin' World
11/30/10 Gulp..... Death's Academy
11/30/10 Wow! They Are SO Cute! Death's Academy
11/29/10 Hey Stein Death's Academy
11/28/10 Misson Time- Blondes Death's Academy
11/28/10 Bye Death's Academy
11/28/10 Breakfast Death's Academy
11/28/10 Guests Death's Academy
11/27/10 Cookies? Death's Academy
11/27/10 Why I Ran Death's Academy
11/27/10 Me Feeling Better With Video Games! Death's Academy
11/26/10 Hilarious Walk-In Death's Academy
11/26/10 Soup with a Side of Past, Please. Death's Academy
11/26/10 The BEST Man In The World. Death's Academy
11/27/10 I <3 Fallout! My Freakin' World
11/25/10 Pick One, Anyone! Death's Academy
11/25/10 The Question- Oh How It Never Gets Asked Death's Academy
11/24/10 Love Song- English and Japanese My Freakin' World
11/24/10 Pathetic Old Lowey Death's Academy
11/24/10 Mission Time! Death's Academy
11/24/10 My First Graphic Novel (Manga Book)! My Freakin' World
11/23/10 First of All..... My Freakin' World
11/22/10 My Persons Death's Academy
11/21/10 24 Hours to RUN!!!! My Freakin' World
11/16/10 Lolololololol My Freakin' World
11/14/10 Zelos Wilder Tales of symphonia

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