Razing Phoenix WhichTales of the Abyss Character Are You?

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Accuracy Rating:
86% (130 votes)
Tales of the Abyss Quizzes
tales of the abyss, toa
26 members Favoritefavorite
AMYROSEANDSONIC XxArrancarFanxX reichiinya mewnicole segunda etapa sasuke sarutobi4 mkam31 mimistar98 xoxoBambooCookii VampireGod Yuria Miko smacktoo Celine15 seiferites Aka chan blackwidowdragon sage001 DawnAwakens SherrySolstice Branett15 wildcat crystal Baka Crow animefanatic2325

    Let's start with... *please don't hurt me* your favorite color?


    What social class do you think (or know) you are?


    Which weapons do you prefer in combat?

    Swords; I love to hack and slash.
    Staff or knives; defensive and offensive.
    A Spear; good for distance or close range combat.
    A puppet!
    Bow and arrows... don't underestimate me!

    How do others see you?

    They say I'm bossy.
    I'm kind of like an older brother...
    I can be bright and cheerful, but I also have a dark side too.
    Honestly? I'm often sarcastic yet logical.
    I am disciplined, but others say I can be cold.
    I might complain, and they also say I am a spoiled brat.

    And how do you see yourself, per se?

    The noble hero who's been copied...
    Responsible and I have trouble with my emotions...
    A great and loyal soldier who deserves more than he gets.
    A cheerful girl who wants nothing more than to live a happy life with the one I love.
    Someone who's just trying to keep my friends out of trouble.
    A royal noble of tremendous responsibilities and destined for glory!

    How do you feel about the opposite sex?

    Well hello there...
    *Screams* Don't you touch me!
    Well I'm going to marry one for my kingdom, so they're okay.

    Can you cook?

    *recipe explodes*
    Oh, I'm a GREAT chef!
    I prefer not to...
    I'm all right, I guess.

    Do people say you complain a lot?

    Only all the time!
    Hardly ever...
    No need to complain!
    Nope. Not me.

    Is there someone who looks up to you?

    Maybe... I hope.
    I'm a princess! Of course!
    They actually look down on me...

    This quiz is coming to a close... Hope you had fun with my first quiz!

    Oh, your first quiz? Excellent job!
    Could have been better.
    A nice try, really. Good job.
    Meh... I mean, wonderful.
    It was just fabulous!
    Good job, I guess.

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