MermaidUnderSea Which Di Gi Charat Character Are You?

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Accuracy Rating:
83% (68 votes)
Di Gi Charat Quizzes
di gi dgi charat
21 members Favoritefavorite
AMYROSEANDSONIC OwlCitizen siobhancoolest12 KrunchiDinoRoll mewnicole AuroraTheFox kamichama karin s FireStone95 Sanku12 smacktoo stickywicket Tohrushino inufluffy12 Vampire Girl 666 HelloKatty Amestar VampireGod d5 shinigami Blackkittydoll

    Welcome to Gamerz, nyo!

    Hello thar!
    I want to rampage!
    I want to buy a trading card!
    Did you just say nyo?!

    Do you like Di Gi Charat?

    I love it!
    I hate it!
    It's OK.
    I just found this quiz.

    What would you like for your future?

    To be famous!
    To be happy.
    To have unlimited food!

    What do you do in your free time?

    Imagine some crazy situations.
    Think up some ways to succeed.
    I don't have free time.

    I am a clam, mi. I like clean water. I'm also in miso soup, mi.

    It was nice knowing ya!
    *pace back and forth* What should I do!
    Serves you right.
    Stand back! I found an exorcist!

    That girl says a weird word at the end of all her sentences...

    Yeah. It's kinda cute!
    So do I, gema!
    She must be punished!

    Your rival just ruined your day at work.

    I'll give her a bomb disguised as a cake!
    Maybe we can try to be friends.
    I'll get her some other time.

    Hey! That's your idol's most prized possession on the floor! What will you do?!

    I'll keep it on my wall.
    I'll sell it on e-bay!
    I'll return it right away.

    I'm a honey bun on the floor. Aren't you hungry?

    *munch munch munch* GAH! My stomach!
    You look really appetizing!
    Who knows how many germs you have!
    Maybe if I clean you off...

    Come again!

    Thank you!
    You can have this back. -_-'
    Do you like chubby guys?

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