Indi What Type Of Adam Would YOU Be?

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Accuracy Rating:
88% (131 votes)
Category Quizzes
adam, theotaku
40 members Favoritefavorite
Pirena000 Daughter Of Satan Kazamas-Keyblade EnvyScarlet Kami-chan.x3 envythejealous METALLICASH Sabriela Hellena metalfiremonk Timcanpy14 SakuraDust Lei Chan IchigoKurusaki sasoriofredsand AnimeGal816 honeypot877 ali14 scribblezfox Felcie Furry-Chibi sharklover1313 Bonez15 moonlit dream harvestmoonluvr Adam pau7 Kimi Sihu NinjaTofu Ilovebadboys VampireGod Miracle Star19 manlyseakitten littlepooch

    Congratulations! Now's your chance to find out what you would be like if YOU were the creator of theOtaku, Adam.

    Wait, what? But I AM Adam!
    Well now, I reckon this ought to be fun.
    Uh... o_O

    Now, let's get started so we can see what you would be like.

    Are you sure this is a good idea?
    w00t! I can't wait to see what I get.
    Do I need to like something?
    You have no idea what I'm really like. >_>

    Let's go with something simple, what do you do in your free time?

    I have a nice juicy steak while watching a show.
    I like to make sushi, so tasty!
    I work on interesting projects and no, I won't explain what they are.
    Does it include mudkips? :D

    Someone asks you a really dumb question, how do you respond?

    I don't, I would ignore it.
    I guess I would answer it. That would be the polite thing to do, right?
    Oh that's easy. *yells MUDKIP!*
    Well I reckon I ought to answer it, but I'll do so in a goofy way so they don't feel dumb.

    If you were given time off, what would you do?

    Why I'd hang out in chat with the members.
    I'd work on prettying up the site.
    I wish I had time off, that would be awesome.
    Oh man... time to party! Whee!

    Oh no! The site crashed, now what?

    Mudkip? >_>
    You sure about that partner?
    Oh dear, why is this happening?
    I'd fix it of course.

    You fixed it and just in time, the members were getting pretty angry.

    People need to be more calm and patient.
    What did you expect? I'm awesome that way.
    The site was down? Well good thing it fixed itself.

    So, are you ready for the moment of truth?

    I already told you that I AM ADAM.
    Well now, I reckon I am.
    MUDKIP! :D
    >_> Uh... No.

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