kyuubi958 What Straw Hat Pirate Are You?

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One Piece Quizzes
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    Your weapon or ability?

    (choose at least 1 and at most 3 answers)
    Gomu gomu no mi.
    Three katana's.
    Either a slingshot or kabuto.
    Legs, kicking everyone.
    Hito-hito no mi.
    Hana hana no mi.
    Being a cyborg, fists made of metal.
    One katana.

    Your past?

    Met a man who you look up to deeply.
    Promised a friend that you'll be the best swordsman.
    Had to steal to get money to buy the village back.
    Lost your mother, dad left to be a pirate.
    Wanted to be a chef to repay the man who saved him.
    No one liked you, but one man took you in, who you cared for.
    Village was destroyed...
    Saved by a man when your parents threw you off a ship.
    All your crew-mates died while singing for laboon.

    What do you wear?

    Red vest, blue shorts, sandles straw-hat!
    White shirt, dark green trousers, black shoes.
    Anything feminine, short skirts etc.
    Sniper goggles, yellow bandana, brown overalls.
    A suit or something of the sort.
    A pink hat with a white cross and shorts.
    Dark or leather clothes.
    A shirt and speedo.
    A hat, black coat and trousers with a cane.

    What's your job on the ship?

    (choose at least 1 and at most 2 answers)
    The Captain.

    What's your goal?

    To become the Pirate King.
    Be the best swordsman.
    Have money!
    No longer be a coward.
    Find all-blue.
    Be the best doctor you can.
    Find all the ancient artifacts.
    Be the best shipwright, make the best ships.
    To see laboon.

    What would you do in your spare time?

    (choose at least 1 and at most 3 answers)
    Draw maps.
    Invent things!
    Cook new things!
    Join in on anything fun going on.
    Go around in the rooms of the ship.
    Play the violin.

    What would you want to buy when shopping?

    (choose at least 1 and at most 3 answers)
    Why waste my money? Hmmm, maybe clothes!
    New ingredients.
    Medical supplies.
    More books, clothes.
    Different materials for the boat.
    More instruments?

    If you entered a new island, what would you do?

    (choose at least 1 and at most 2 answers)
    Find a place to eat!
    Sleep where you stand.
    Hunt for treasure.
    Try not to be scared of things. End up doing something dumb.
    Going around, looking for ingredients.
    Try not to be scared and maybe just go hyper or something.
    Hunt for artifacts.
    See the ship for any repairs.

    Your personality?

    Stupid and funny.
    Serious but gets kinda dumb as well.
    Greedy for money and bossy.
    Cowardly and a liar.
    Loves women and flirting.
    Gets happy when complimented.
    Dark, but smiling!
    Strange, happy and loves saying SUPA!
    Bad mannered.

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