Selene Shri What Ace Attorney Character Are You?

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91% (135 votes)
Ace Attorney Quizzes
ace attorney, dick gumshoe, larry butz, maya fey, miles edgeworth, phoenix wright
48 members Favoritefavorite
AMYROSEANDSONIC dfdfdfdf MidnightMaid Jellyfish12 yumejineko siobhancoolest12 Refrain EternalRavenDream BaronTwilos mikan chan irenfy LavanderGirl LiamXXX sasuke sarutobi4 Aquas15 METALLICASH Kuroshitsujifan Sabriela Hellena Miss Anonymous sakurasama95 KimmiKawaii MimiTehPsycho zukolover08 rainydayal Dunpeil Dueliest babygirl434 Neko Itachi Quiet Noise scribblezfox Sakura901 asakura san Tohrushino freya97 Ilovebadboys VampireGod artypants1017 Kurai the night blackwidowdragon Gus likes pie LoulouSegawa Kimi Sihu ZodiacNinja mimistar98

    You just found out that someone was murdered. What is your response?

    This is terrible!
    Really? I wonder who it was.
    I guess this will mean more work.
    Why are you telling me?
    We'll catch the scum responsible.

    If you were asked to help find the murderer would you do it?

    Of course.
    Uh, I suppose if you asked me to.
    You want me to catch a murderer? *laughs*
    I'll try to help. ^^
    I always help.

    You decide to look for evidence. Where would you look?

    At the scene of the crime.
    I don't look. I have it brought to me.
    I should see what the police have found.
    I'm not sure where I'd look.
    I have no idea. oO

    Tired after checking for clues you decide to call it a day. What are you thinking?

    I need more answers. I hope I have time to check stuff tomorrow.
    That I'd like to go and get something tasty to eat. I'm starved!
    I'm sad that we didn't find out who did it.
    None of your business.
    I'm sorry, what was the question again?

    You wake up and to your surprise you find that they've found the killer.

    Of course they were caught.
    That's great news!
    Wow, that was quick.
    You can run but you can't hide.
    That's great, but I still have to check things.

    You go to meet the criminal but they claim they are innocent. What will you do?

    Uh, keep look for the real criminal?
    I guess I'll have to do something to prove that they are innocent.
    Don't be silly, they always say that.
    Don't look at me. I wouldn't know if they are lying or not.
    Why would they arrest someone who was innocent?

    You work hard to find more evidence but you can't find proof that they aren't the killer.

    I doubt there is anything else to be found.
    I'll never stop looking!
    I really hope I can figure this out.
    I tried. *shrug*
    If I see anything else I'll let you know.

    What kind of verdict do you think the person received in court?

    Beats me.
    Guilty, of course.
    I hope they were proven innocent.
    I don't know. I was never good at figuring these things out.
    Innocent, of course.

    Who do you think you'll get?

    I dunno.
    Doesn't that take the fun out of it?
    If I knew that I wouldn't take the quiz.

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