PrincessKitty Which Vocaloid Family Character Are You?

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Miku Hatsune Quizzes
hatsune, kaito, miku, vocaloid
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    What are you doing? *Looks over your shoulder*

    (choose at least 2 and at most 6 answers)
    *Jumps up* Don't look at my drawing!!! *Falls to the ground*
    *Takes my hand, spins and dances with me.* Me - I'm going to be sick..
    Eating tons of cake and candy nom nom nom nom nnom. Me - OOkkaayy
    Painting my room!. *looks at you with an evil face* Me - Do not paint my face! *Runs away*
    Exercise, exercise, exercise! Me - *walks away slowly*
    Errrmmmmmmmmmm................................ Why are you looking over my shoulder?
    Shopping, cosplaying, Lolita! Ooooo Lolita! Me - No way me too!
    Computers. I like computers.
    Reading look *shows all the books that I've read* Me - O.O
    I can't PICK! *PANIC ATTACK*

    Pick a costume?

    Costumes like, animals!
    Everything! Oh wait! *Runs to wardrobe and takes out everything*
    Hairstyles! Oh and neon colours! Me *sighs*
    Loltia! Something cute, like skirts like Loltia and fluffy stuff
    Sexy to show off my curves...

    Male or Female?

    Rather not say
    I'm a Unicorn!

    Okay if you were a Vocaloid? Who would you be?

    (choose at least 2 and at most 8 answers)
    Miku because she's AWESOME!
    Kaito because he's BLUE! I like the colour blue.
    Gakupo is super cute *drools* Me - Sorry guys don't hate me
    IA sounds soo real. So I wouldn't like to sound like a robot.
    Gumi has such cute costumes and a soft voice.
    Luka has some amazing curves and she can do so many genres
    SeeU, I love the cat ears! :3
    Yazuki Yukari sounds so robotic and very cool. I soo love her.
    Lily her voice is amazing! So deep but yet amazing!
    Len/Rin awwh there twins I love twins

    Would hold an object or would you have a favourite costume?

    Yes and no, kinda depends
    Yes, yes YES!
    I just want the object
    I just want the costume

    Look there's an audience. Go and sing!

    Let's do it! *grabs my hand* Me - No wait!! 0.0
    I'd rather be a dancer... yes a dancer
    I want to go next! I want to go next!
    I need, backup singers, backup dancers, I need, I need, blah blah. Me - *Writes everything down* =.= I have I to Can't the next person do it

    You were great! What type of song did you sing?

    (choose at least 1 and at most 3 answers)
    Love songs. Think there soo sweet!
    Creepy stuff I like horror. Mowhahaha.. Me - errmmm -.-
    Cute fluffy sfuff
    Magical! I like magic..

    Kinda forgotten this question oops. Don't hate me. What is your personality like?

    (choose at least 2 and at most 8 answers)
    Hyper, so I love candy!
    Im kinda clumsy. Me - Hey you spilt my drink. You - Oops sorry..
    I love people, Im always around them.
    Im a loner, always sitting at the computer, TV or reading. Well one of those ^.^
    Computers anything I cant fix
    I love art.. digital or traditional
    Performing, drama or playing an instrument
    Cosplay, I love sewing or I love buying cosplay
    Animals I think there soo cute!
    Fashion, cant get enough of it!

    Finally Fished! :3

    *Clicks on guru*

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