Gemstar53 What Alicorn Princess Are You?

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My Little Pony Quizzes
cadence, celestia, luna, MLP, my little pony, twilight sparkle
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    What is your favourite time of day?

    The golden midday, warm and welcoming.
    Sunset and sunrise; it's breathtaking.
    Twilight and night; the stars are incredible.
    It doesn't really matter; there's always going to be a set way and period of time for the days, and...

    What object interests you?

    A little sun that glows softly.
    A book; the title is 'The Answer'. Very intruiging.
    A necklace made of a slim silver chain, with a heart pendant.
    A snowglobe, which has the moon and glitter inside.

    Which of these subjects are your favourites?

    (choose at least 1 and at most 4 answers)
    I don't like school!

    Tell me your dream...

    To fly freely amongst the stars, with nothing to bar my way.
    To learn as much as I can!
    To bring happiness and love wherever I go.
    To bring peace and prosperity to the lands.

    What are your favorite colors?

    (choose at least 1 and at most 4 answers)
    Black, like midnight.
    Soft, rose pink.
    A deep purple.
    Gold, blindingly royal.
    White, regal and serene.
    A color which suits me, my soul.

    Do you consider yourself as a...

    Loner, always outcast. Fear me...or love me?
    Lovable, modest friend.
    I am whatever you wish me to be.
    You can view me how you wish; I will judge you accordingly.

    Do you enjoy flying or using magic?

    Flying free, with only the sound of my wings as company.
    Magic! It helps you in so many ways!
    Both are thoroughly useful and enjoyable.
    Being on the ground with my friends.

    Do you like being cosy and warm, or prefer the chill of the night?

    Warm, with some cocoa and a blanket.
    Outside, with silence enveloping me.
    Watching TV, crisps, and some popcorn with a bunch of buddies.
    Reading a book!

    Are you a rebel or play by the rules?

    Sometimes rebellion helps a nation...
    It doesn't matter to you.
    Rules are important; where would we be without them?
    We need to listen to one another to succeed...rules, I guess.

    What describes you the best?

    Royal and regal.
    Frightening and alone.
    Loving and kind.
    Studious and modest.

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