edisshort What Kind Of Pony Are You?

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77% (77 votes)
My Little Pony Quizzes
alicorn, earth pony, my little pony, pegasis, pony, unicorn
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    What subjects are you good in?

    (choose at least 1 and at most 3 answers)
    English and/or foreign languages.
    Math and/or science.
    I'm naturally good in all subjects. I don't have to study.
    I'm good in all subjects as long as I study and get the help I need.

    What is your ideal job?

    Fashion designer
    Olympic athlete
    Party planner
    I don't want to work. I just want to travel!

    Who is your favorite pony?

    Twilight Sparkle
    Apple Jack
    Rainbow Dash
    Princess Luna
    Pinkie Pie
    Princess Celestia

    You find a stray cat. What do you do?

    I give it a home. What else am I supposed to do with it?
    I take it home, give it some food, and nurse it back to health. Then I call a shelter. This cat will have no problem finding a forever home!
    I leave it alone. Honestly, I don't know if its a stray or not. I wouldn't want to take it with me if it already has a home. But I'll keep checking back on it.
    I'll take it with me and post some bulletins around town to see if anyone lost a cat.

    What is your ideal outfit?

    Something comfortable like long jeans and a t-shirt and my converse shoes.
    I'll try to look my best. Although it doesn't always seem like I do. I like wearing make up. Maybe some prints.
    I like wearing shorts (or skorts) and a tank top. And some sandals.
    It really depends on what I'm doing that day. But overall I like to wear long flow-y dresses.
    I like to look as classy as I can. Maybe a tux or something.
    Don't even ask me about fashion.
    I like the older fashions that never go out of style. How can you go wrong with pinstripes and fedoras?
    I'll wear what I feel like wearing. I don't have a particular fashion.

    You're going to the gym today. How do you decide to work out?

    I try any workout! Even if I'm not good at it, I still gotta try it!
    Yoga because there's no better feeling than getting a good stretch.
    Zumba. I like high activity workouts but I'm not gonna skip out on having fun!
    I think I'll just stick to doing the circuit around the gym. I'm not too big on physical activities.

    What is your favorite food?

    Angel food cake with whipped cream and strawberries. I like something airy and sweet.
    Pizza, mozzarella sticks, chicken wings, chips and dip, etc. Give me the whole platter!
    Cheese and crackers. It's something simple and quick that every pony would enjoy.
    I'll try anything as long as someone makes it for me. ^_^ I'm not too picky either.

    What are you most afraid of?

    Being rejected by everyone.
    Not being good at anything.
    Not many things frighten me. Fear is something that can be overcome.

    How would you describe yourself?

    (choose at least 2 and at most 4 answers)
    Very hard working.
    Naturally talented.
    I'm perfect. :D
    A tad bossy maybe?
    Over protective.

    What would you LIKE to be?

    Earth Pony

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