predictable1993 which KoRn album are you?

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Korn Quizzes
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    How are you today?

    I feel like dogshit.
    the horrors, my soul is an incomprehensibly tangled void that i cannot express through any words or actions.
    Horny :/
    Im great :D!!!

    Do you take yourself seriously?

    When I know it's logical to do so, yes.
    Sometimes. My friends say im hard on myself though.
    Not usually, I have a lot of irrational feelings.
    If I don't make a joke out of myself then I am nothing.

    Is being funny important to you?

    Only when I get to make others laugh.
    No, usually I'm trying to focus on important stuff.
    Yeah, but im not really that funny.
    i dont like when people make their sense of humor their whole personality,

    Are you more into electronic (industrial, techno) or analog (thrash, acoustic)

    Totally analog, i dont really like anything digital.
    I don't have a preference.
    I like both, but im more into analog.
    i like both, but im more into electronic.
    i love both of them equally!!!

    Your best friend betrays you. How do you respond?

    stop talking to them and deal with everything on my own, i dont want to talk to them.
    blow up on them as soon as i find out.
    try my best to communicate with them despite how upset i am
    betray them back, they deserve it.
    talk to them and pretend like nothing happened.

    Would you willingly enroll yourself into therapy?

    Yes absolutely if i needed it.
    Maybe, as long as I wouldn't get sent anywhere.
    therapy never really helps me.
    No, I hate opening up.
    I don't trust therapists.

    Someone tells you that they're into you. What's your response?

    Panic, ignore them, and continue life as if they didn't tell me.
    HELL YEAH!!!! I start dating them asap!!!!
    Start dating them, but get scared of commitment or abandonment and push them away.
    Flat out tell them i don't reciprocate and it ends there.
    Date them because im desperate.

    Are you open to experimentation (In any context)

    Yes, I love new experiences!
    No, too much change stresses me out.
    It depends on how crazy it is.
    As long as it isn't permanent.
    i dont really care.

    Do you like looking in the mirror?

    Yes, i love how i look!
    Sometimes if i feel like i look good.
    No, i hate my appearance.
    It depends on the day.
    I don't really care.

    Whats ur sexuality?

    im HOMOSEXUAL!!!!
    im STRAIGHT!!!
    i like BOTH
    i like ANYONE
    i DONT like anyone!!!
    i have NO idea

    Fiction or non-fiction?

    I don't have a preference.

    Do you welcome negative feelings?

    Yes, I hate bottling up my feelings.
    Yes, I like feeling like shit sometimes.
    Sometimes. really, it depends on when i'm feeling them.
    no, i don't like feeling bad, i would rather avoid anything like that.
    No, im sick of feeling like shit.

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