SeraphSerendipity Which of my oc stories suite you best?

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    Which goal in life do you align with the closest?

    Understanding the world around me
    Fixing my past mistakes
    Pursuing self-discovery
    Finding people who’ll support me
    Making my dreams a reality

    Which of these skills would you say you’re adequate at?

    Connecting people
    Protecting others
    Bringing creative ideas to life
    Finding time to sleep

    What would you like to improve about yourself?

    Nothing. I am EPIC.
    Better memory
    Facing my past
    Trusting myself/others

    How’s your relationship with your family?

    My dad died
    I am a tool for leverage :T
    I think I remember them existing, yes
    I love my found family :)
    My aunt is nice to homeless people whyyyyyy

    What flavor do you like your robots?

    Emotionally/morally confused
    Murderous >:)
    Cheerful goober energy
    Mean to homeless people
    Your childhood abandoned toys coming back to haunt you.

    Is there a god watching over us?

    I’m not sure, but I hope if there is one that they’re nice
    God has abandoned us
    I AM GOD >:)
    If an immortal machine counts, then yes

    What situation do you hate the most out of these selections?

    Being trapped with no escape
    Losing someone I love
    Loss of control of my life
    Serving no purpose
    Losing other’s trust in me

    What do you do upon finding another version of yourself?

    Try to befriend it :)
    RUN. This is a very bad sign.
    Let it die
    Pretend it doesn’t exist
    Use it for shenanigans

    Do you like laboratory or hospital aesthetics?

    Laboratories? Hospitals? Where do I sign up???
    No, I prefer the adventures in the outdoors
    Laboratories, no hospital please
    I’m a bit traumatized from laboratories :(
    Hospitals are soothing, kinda

    How social are you?

    I like alone time
    Antisocial, but not by choice :(
    Social butterfly, but only in virtual places
    Uh, yes, I talk to people
    Who invited all these people? Where did they come from?????

    How do you like to interact with your media?

    Video games
    Alternate Reality Games
    Video series

    What does a good story do for you best?

    It leaves me satisfied seeing the loose ends finally tied in a pretty bow
    It lets me escape to a new world unlike ours
    The characters linger with me
    I can imagine many different endings and ideas following the story
    It makes me feel many different emotions, even if at times I am conflicted with said emotions

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