Aaryanna What Junior Detective League Member Are You?

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Case Closed Quizzes
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AMYROSEANDSONIC IceBlossom11 Feliciana Vargas Animeotaku09 hanisu93 inufluffy12 Window of fantasy kima75 Figurine889 Shammy101 asiainuyasha mahmoudmustafa VampireGod xxNoExistencexx mangafan23 SapphireGirl4Ever 2AngelAnna silverwolf02 atemyugi PrinceKenshin860 Shaarie needlesjuubei animefreak1393 Pigtail Girl chibihime AsagiTaichou SeniUniverse sorake2410

    Time to do your homework, what�s your response?

    Homework is for losers!
    I do it of course!
    Okay, but only because I have to.
    Not again...

    You and your friends are at the mall, what do you do?

    Look for shoplifters.
    Check out all the cool video games!
    Look for cute stuff!
    Check out all the food stands. I�m hungry!

    You�ve found a criminal, what do you do?

    Call the police so they can catch them.
    Subdue them yourself of course!
    Look to your friends to see what to do.
    Outsmart them so the police can catch them.

    What is your favorite subject at school?

    I like science!
    What do you mean favorite? I hate all of them!
    School�s fun! I don�t care what the class is.
    Why am I here?

    What is your favorite color?


    What�s your favorite gadget?

    I like the skateboard!
    The badges are cool!
    I like all of them!

    Do you have a crush on someone?

    Of course not! Crushes are for weaklings!
    What do you mean?
    That�s a silly question!

    What�s your favorite thing to do?

    Be with my friends of course!
    Do I even need to remind you that I�m hungry?
    Play with cool science stuff of course.
    Check out current criminal cases.

    And finally did you have fun taking the quiz?

    Just tell me the answer already!
    Yeah, yeah, it was okay I guess.

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