The Inspirational (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/19/08 | Reply
I like the grass, so don't talk nonsense that it doesn't match XD lol. The grass is random and sligthly different tones of greens, so you did a great job with it ^_~. I ♥ it, sunny sky and sparkles...yes it's very nice :)
Oh my gosh, this wallpaper is so beautiful!! It just makes me so happy^^ =D I love how bright and cheerful the wallpaper is as well, truly very wonderful. ^_^ Great job!
The Inspirational (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/19/08 | Reply
I like the grass, so don't talk nonsense that it doesn't match XD lol. The grass is random and sligthly different tones of greens, so you did a great job with it ^_~. I ♥ it, sunny sky and sparkles...yes it's very nice :)
innocent soul
Otakuite | Posted 03/19/08 | Reply
omg i love it ♥_♥ it's pretty cool, and pretty ^^
innocent heart
Otaku Eternal | Posted 03/19/08 | Reply
Oh my gosh, this wallpaper is so beautiful!!
It just makes me so happy^^ =D I love how bright and cheerful the wallpaper is as well, truly very wonderful. ^_^ Great job!