very nice wallpaper. i really like the background colors and the musical notes. the colors compliment nicely, and the color of the text doesn't clash horribly with the background color. now the only thing that i think could improve is the font of the text. it's a little too fancy, so i had difficulty reading some parts of it. so perhaps make it less curly next time, but the words themselves are lovely.
Otakuite++ | Posted 09/07/08 | Reply
very nice wallpaper. i really like the background colors and the musical notes. the colors compliment nicely, and the color of the text doesn't clash horribly with the background color. now the only thing that i think could improve is the font of the text. it's a little too fancy, so i had difficulty reading some parts of it. so perhaps make it less curly next time, but the words themselves are lovely.