Yay! Naruto's dead!
Er... I mean... Good art! But, who's that in the back? Looks like Naruto. >.>
And hugs are just a way of someone telling you that they like your art, but wouldn't exactly call it something they love, which would be a favorite. Hope that helps.
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/17/08 | Reply
Ah, cool.
Otakuite++ | Posted 09/17/08 | Reply
Thanks for the info, and yes that is naruto in the background, supposedly everyone thinks his dead, but...
naruto fangirl42
Senior Otaku | Posted 09/16/08 | Reply
I really hope Naruto dosen't diebecause if he did that would be the end of the series
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/16/08 | Reply
Yay! Naruto's dead!
Er... I mean... Good art! But, who's that in the back? Looks like Naruto. >.>
And hugs are just a way of someone telling you that they like your art, but wouldn't exactly call it something they love, which would be a favorite. Hope that helps.