oh,, very awesome work!
i played A.C. on my mobile before.. it took me 5mo before i could finish it.. but well, i cant wait for the next installment of it, it there is.. anyway, i love this wallie. keep it up
OMAIGOSH!!! IT'S BEEN SOOOO LONG SINCE THE LAST WALLIE YOU HAVE NO CLUE AS TO HOW MUCH I LOOOOVE THIS!!! *Ahem* As I was saying, this is beautiful! The feel of movement is extremely vivid and Altair stands out perfectly from the background! Lovely.
A quick question, if I may? I have Photoshop Elements 5 and have practiced making wallies, but with limited success. I want to know how you add the background and then the image. Does it have to do with layering and opacity? I'd be happy if you could break it down to the best of your ability. Thanks, for the wallie and an answer (if you like)!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/10/09 | Reply
Yay, I luv this wall. I luv the color of it. I love the effect, and love the character in this wall... :D
Mage Labyrinth (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/10/09 | Reply
oh,, very awesome work!
i played A.C. on my mobile before.. it took me 5mo before i could finish it.. but well, i cant wait for the next installment of it, it there is.. anyway, i love this wallie. keep it up
Grand Otaku | Posted 07/09/09 | Reply
OMAIGOSH!!! IT'S BEEN SOOOO LONG SINCE THE LAST WALLIE YOU HAVE NO CLUE AS TO HOW MUCH I LOOOOVE THIS!!! *Ahem* As I was saying, this is beautiful! The feel of movement is extremely vivid and Altair stands out perfectly from the background! Lovely.
A quick question, if I may? I have Photoshop Elements 5 and have practiced making wallies, but with limited success. I want to know how you add the background and then the image. Does it have to do with layering and opacity? I'd be happy if you could break it down to the best of your ability. Thanks, for the wallie and an answer (if you like)!