thank you i really appreciate your appreciation of my writing XD (appreciate....appreciation XD *is shot*)
ANYWAYZ!! *revives self from death bed*
i like to make things that express my inside thoughts, but i also enjoy writing poems that others can relate to. ^_^ even though it may not be a happy thing
this one is actually talking about me and my best friend, how we went through bad break ups from guys who thought it was okay to play with our hearts. upon telling her i was bi, she confessed that she had started to like me, but it was a sorta gradual thing and she didn't know until about 3 weeks ago. when she told me this, i felt it was safe to also tell her my feelings for her, and so we started going out. at the bottom of the wallpaper, i put the words "I'm Never Letting You Go" because, i really care about her, and i don't want her to leave.
twilight tiger
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/04/10 | Reply
@Ryo or Demon:
haha ok ^_^ im learning how to create them at school. all i gotta do is figure out how to post them online, and im set XD
Ryo or Demon
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/04/10 | Reply
@twilight tiger:
Do it!! ^^
twilight tiger
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/03/10 | Reply
@Ryo or Demon:
haha i will its a dream of mine actually. thinking about making my own website at some point to post my work.
Ryo or Demon
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/03/10 | Reply
@twilight tiger:
Yeah, I got the poem about friends getting through things together, and I thought it was awesome to incorporate something like that. ^^
It's always good to have someone like that when you're down, and life kinda sucks I guess. ^^ And I still think you should pursue creative writing
twilight tiger
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/03/10 | Reply
@Ryo or Demon:
thank you i really appreciate your appreciation of my writing XD (appreciate....appreciation XD *is shot*)
ANYWAYZ!! *revives self from death bed*
i like to make things that express my inside thoughts, but i also enjoy writing poems that others can relate to. ^_^ even though it may not be a happy thing
this one is actually talking about me and my best friend, how we went through bad break ups from guys who thought it was okay to play with our hearts. upon telling her i was bi, she confessed that she had started to like me, but it was a sorta gradual thing and she didn't know until about 3 weeks ago. when she told me this, i felt it was safe to also tell her my feelings for her, and so we started going out. at the bottom of the wallpaper, i put the words "I'm Never Letting You Go" because, i really care about her, and i don't want her to leave.
Ryo or Demon
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/03/10 | Reply
You're so awesome at writing poetry. I seriously think you should become a writer! ^^
And I liked this poem. Once more reflecting on a bad break-up I went through