Thank you. I can see your point.
I had a problem with her eyes and skin. Do you know how to add gradient properly in shape layers?
I used soft light layer to add the brightness. I changed the layer mode to overlay but it looked too contrast. So I thought I'd just use this soft light mode. XD
I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls <3
Addicted to Sweets (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/03/11 | Reply
OMG!~ Don't say that,Latte-chan!O_O This wallpaper is really,really BEAUTIFUL!~ * w * LOVE it!>/////<
Is your first vector?!~ Wow!That's so awesome!I never can do a nice vector!>.< I admire you!> ¬ <
For me the sunflowers are very pretty and cheerful!XD Haha!So lovely!~
The girl is perfect!~ ^ w ^ I loved the colors and the effects!XD I prefer your vector!> 3 <
Super nice work,Latte-chan!> w < Good luck in the challenge!~ XD
Take care!~
This is really the first time I finished a vector wallpaper. I've once tried to vector an image but I never managed my time to finish it. :D
You're way more professional than me!! :P
Thank you for the compliment. Yes, you're right, I should have colored it gray instead of black, but now I'm too lazy to change it. XD
I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls <3
This is amazing! My goodness. O__O I don't know what you're talking about. Lol. How many vectors have you done?? This is your FIRST? YOU LIE. This is better than mine, and I've been vectoring for years. XD You have some great talent here, girl! It's beautiful all around. <3 I'm just blown away, especially by the bg! I'd never have the patience for it. XD The only thing I'd recommend is not making the girl's dress's outlines be black...make them maybe just a bit darker hue than what the dress is. Because you have so much gorgeous light and bright colors, the black seems like too much of a contrast!
Last edited by Angel Zakuro at 5:31:47 PM CDT on August 2, 2011.
Oh my God, the way you pieced this together is simply amazing! Very gorgeous work and it inspires me to learn to vector and blend stuff better! >3<
Great, gorgeous work dear! <33
Pickle of the Year (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/02/11 | Reply
Wow, this looks amazing! I am seriously impressed with how much work you put into this. And your vector is really great, especially since it's your first.
This is really amazing, I don't think you should feel bad about how it turned out at all!
Ooh La La (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/02/11 | Reply
Wow, this wallie is so amazing. I like how you choose the images and put them together. Look so awesome and very summer like even though the image of the girl was in the night. Amazingly done
And very nice vector. <3
Last edited by Vivianlove at 11:18:56 AM CDT on August 2, 2011.
mada hope97
Otakuite++ | Posted 11/06/11 | Reply
how sweet .

Otakuite++ | Posted 09/18/11 | Reply
So pretty!
And i just want to add this weird comment, cause i friggin love sunflowers!
There so pretty
kita mikichi
Chibi Artist Girl (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/17/11 | Reply
Wow, this picture is terrific! Keep up the great work! ^^b
Golden Phoenix (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/16/11 | Reply
@Blue Latte:
You're welcome.
Blue Latte
Curious Dreamer (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/16/11 | Reply
Thank you. X3
I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls <3
Golden Phoenix (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/16/11 | Reply
Congratulations on winning!
Blue Latte
Curious Dreamer (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/10/11 | Reply
Thank you. I can see your point.
I had a problem with her eyes and skin. Do you know how to add gradient properly in shape layers?
I used soft light layer to add the brightness. I changed the layer mode to overlay but it looked too contrast. So I thought I'd just use this soft light mode. XD
I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls <3
Jr Girl
Otakuite | Posted 08/07/11 | Reply
thats cool,girl! love ya!
Blue Latte
Curious Dreamer (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/04/11 | Reply
@Hanaro Souhi:
Thank you very much. It's very sweet of you. :)
I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls <3
Hanaro Souhi
Addicted to Sweets (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/03/11 | Reply
OMG!~ Don't say that,Latte-chan!O_O This wallpaper is really,really BEAUTIFUL!~ * w * LOVE it!>/////<
Is your first vector?!~ Wow!That's so awesome!I never can do a nice vector!>.< I admire you!> ¬ <
For me the sunflowers are very pretty and cheerful!XD Haha!So lovely!~
The girl is perfect!~ ^ w ^ I loved the colors and the effects!XD I prefer your vector!> 3 <
Super nice work,Latte-chan!> w < Good luck in the challenge!~ XD
Take care!~
Blue Latte
Curious Dreamer (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/03/11 | Reply
@Angel Zakuro:
This is really the first time I finished a vector wallpaper. I've once tried to vector an image but I never managed my time to finish it. :D
You're way more professional than me!! :P
Thank you for the compliment. Yes, you're right, I should have colored it gray instead of black, but now I'm too lazy to change it. XD
I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls <3
Angel Zakuro
bird nerd. (Otaku Angel) | Posted 08/02/11 | Reply
This is amazing! My goodness. O__O I don't know what you're talking about. Lol. How many vectors have you done?? This is your FIRST? YOU LIE. This is better than mine, and I've been vectoring for years. XD You have some great talent here, girl! It's beautiful all around. <3 I'm just blown away, especially by the bg! I'd never have the patience for it. XD The only thing I'd recommend is not making the girl's dress's outlines be black...make them maybe just a bit darker hue than what the dress is. Because you have so much gorgeous light and bright colors, the black seems like too much of a contrast!
Last edited by Angel Zakuro at 5:31:47 PM CDT on August 2, 2011.
Morbid Dollie
Strawberry (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/02/11 | Reply
Oh my God, the way you pieced this together is simply amazing! Very gorgeous work and it inspires me to learn to vector and blend stuff better! >3<
Great, gorgeous work dear! <33
-those with the biggest hearts hurt the most
lumber jacck
Otakuite+ | Posted 08/02/11 | Reply
A wallpaper full of happiness and beauty. Great! :D +1 fav
Rosie Chan
Grand Otaku | Posted 08/02/11 | Reply
Oh That is COOL! How you changed pictures like that!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/02/11 | Reply
Oh my goodness! This looks lovely and is perfect for summer :) All the images together look great. Wonderful job and good luck in the challenge
Pickle of the Year (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/02/11 | Reply
Wow, this looks amazing! I am seriously impressed with how much work you put into this. And your vector is really great, especially since it's your first.
This is really amazing, I don't think you should feel bad about how it turned out at all!
Ooh La La (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/02/11 | Reply
Wow, this wallie is so amazing. I like how you choose the images and put them together. Look so awesome and very summer like even though the image of the girl was in the night. Amazingly done
And very nice vector. <3
Last edited by Vivianlove at 11:18:56 AM CDT on August 2, 2011.
-Be Confident-