

Do you get regular massages? Haha yep and I love the, but I’m sure the guys don’t

Do you have an answering machine? yes

What cuss word do you use the most? …F***

Are you underweight or overweight? Under.

Can you see your veins? ye


Soap? Cherry blossom or Iris scent

Fruit? Toss up between apples, strawberrys and melons

Kind of red meat?...beef?

Fish? Does shrimp count?

Candy bar? Eww…cookies and cream that my Aunt always brings when she visits

Have You Ever…

Eaten a whole bag of potato chips? yep

Eaten lobster? Yum!

Climbed a mountain? No. nor do I plan too

Been skydiving? No. But I plan to after graduation

Been water skiing? Yep.

Do You…

Wish you could change something about your life? Yes. Several things

Like your nose? I don’t feel one way or another really

Like salt and vinegar chips? yep

Eat salsa? yes

Own a boat? My father does

What Is…

A small thing that people let slide but that actually has dire consequences? Stupidity?

Your most macho trait? My black belts?

The longest relationship you’ve ever had? Um…does flirting through Texts count? If not than…0 days, 0 hours 0minutes and 0seconds

Your most embarrassing thoughts? …to embarrassing to even remember lol

Your most shameful moment? Conspiring with a friend to break up a guy and his girl so another friend could get him >_>;


Bath/Shower? shower

Markers/Crayons? markers

Pens/Pencils? pencils

Jelly/Cream Cheese? Cream cheese

Bagel/Toast? bagel


My greatest weakness is… My emotions

I wish I was…needed

Three things I wouldn’t do for a million dollars are…make a fool of myself, go against my friends…hurt anyone

The oddest thing I’ve ever put in my mouth is…I don’t even know what that was but I got back at ren-kun


Credit card you had? none

Loan you got was for? none

Paycheck was for how much? ¥13502 150 US

Time you had stitches? When I “fell” through a window

Time you went to the hospital for something? To get tubes in my ears


List everything you ate in the last 24 hours? Carrots, Udon, ummm…and some croquets

Last thing you used a credit card for? Don’t have one

What was your job previous to the one you have now? This is my first job

Last thing you celebrated? New year

Last time you were at a sports bar? never
