boss fights

with the grand jewel according to some web sites it says NOT to go into dragoon forms WRONG you can still use your dragoon forms ONLY at 100sp(spirit points) almost had the grand jewel beaten if the holy ank kicked in I would have beaten the boss with dart the boss has a spell that can lower levels and rise levels your stats will either go down or up depending on how far you are in the battle with grand jewel the boss is a earth type and a spellcaster expect the boss to attack about 2-3 times in a row mostly one time DO NOT HAVE MORE THAN 2SP or the boss will use dragon block staff which will lower your dragoon stats not including HP, MP<----these do not get changed during the fight this boss is tough if you have just got past this boss let me know on how you did it or if your having a very tough time with this boss like me use this for a tip and one more thing use your additions time the X and maybe the O didn't happen during the fight but it can happen and heal and guard when needed you should do find and be sure to bring some muilt-hit items(ones were you use the X button)healing items, other items if needed
