Hello everyone! I! My real name is Rumeysa but you can call me Rose. I'm someone with a passion for writing and I will use it to make this world as interesting as possible! So far, I actually didn't know ihow to post here, but from now, I definitely will! :)
I already have another website which I've been improving for several months. If you'd like to check it, here's the link
As you can tell from I'm from Turkey and I'm in my mid-teens (if that's a term XP). Of course, I'm still a student and newly a novelist. These days, I'm writing the second book of my fantasty/ fiction series and planning to translate its parts (in another world, this one is supposed to be personal :D). I'm also into several fandoms. I just don't like to name them it feels weord (sorry :().
Sorry everyone, I don't know how this supposed to be sp, really sorry if it wasn't supposed to be like this.. thank you for visiting x3