Hay Peps! This is RoseIris13. Here is some need to know info. This world is here for anything you can come up with. For ex. Stories, story ideas, blogs, pics,...etc..etc. So in joy!!! I know i will!
- Created By RoseIris13
Could you?
To sate the obviouse i'll never get a perfect fantasy. You can never expect him to always call, always care, never make you cry,
to not have him brake your heart
, but then it only makes it that much sweeter.
When you find the one who does try to avoid all of the above. And sometimes that vary person ends up being the one you thought you should dispise the most.
How can anyone exsect that?! Much less explane it... Could you explane it? =3 143!!
Are you brave enough?
IF YOU ARE BRAVE.... Copy this into your status and see what people rate you . 1: Crazy . 2: I'd marry you . 3 Talkative . 4: Sassy . 5: Loveable . 6: Too nice . 7: Moody . 8: Sexy. 9: Spoiled . 10: Mouthy . 11: Random . 12: Hot . 13: Funny . 14: Fit . 15: Amazing . 16: Beautiful . 17: Cute . 18: Smart ass . 19: bubbly . 20: loyal. Be Honest Please
Random things
ok so life is just this random thing were everyone is considered different and origainl and we all look at things in our on ideals saying that what every we don't do today we can always do tommarow we heres what i thing if you don't do what you want then you will never get it done for tommarow never comes, Yesderday never happened, and you only ever live in today so make the most of it while you can for one day you may never want to look back on your life. For all you'll see is a small shell of what you could of been.
thank you to all the people that read my post and to anyone that wants to post you can just pm me and ask me to alow you guest post so thanks again its awsome to have 66 vies for my vary first world that i had created so Peace d^U^b.
Hay waty up thanks to the 41 people that look so far if any of you whant to post here or on any of my worlds then just ask k no one will be rejected.