Welcome to my little corner of the internet!

Here, you may visit my blog, which is chock full of YouTube videos, music, images, and whatever else I stumble upon.

About Dev-chan:

Age: 15.5

Gender: Female

Birthday: September 13th

theOtaku Anniversary: August 20th

Favorite anime/manga: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Kuroshitsuji, Durarara!, Elfen Lied, Hetalia: Axis Powers...MUCHOS OTROS (Many others, XD).


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My Anime List! I My Manga List!


Yesterday, I played on the opposite team, it was quite humorous, actually, I got to play the positions that I normally play! (1st, 3rd, etc.)

XD So I won't be on much today... (But I'd better let you all know, right?)

I'll post a new post later to let you know what we got~ (I'd better get to getting ready, XD)



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^XD It's like this is mah new avvie...^


I AM SO DEPRESSED, VEOH (One of mah main sources to watch anime on my itouch.) HAS GONE BANKRUPT! (RIGHT WHEN I WAS HALFWAY DONE WITH CHOBITS!!!)

Looks like I can only watch it on my main computer now...


Other than that, I'm doing well...EXCEPT I HAVE A HECK OF A LOT OF TEST/FINALS!!!

I'm sorry I haven't really been able to blog lately...but you can see why, XD


2 days ago, I made a new contest in the fanart section entitled: TOO KAWAII!!! Feel free to enter, everyone's welcome!


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^XD My mood right now.^


XD As you already know, I'm back...And I plan to tell you all what happened at a later date...'cause I am EXTREMELY tired!!! I also plan to put it in a future fancomic...which in my opinion...sounds pretty hilarious! XD (>->;;; Then again...that's MY opinion...)

*yawns* I'll TRY and get it done as soon as the wedding is over!


Picture for enjoyment:

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Leaving for retreat~

So, see you guys either tomorrow...or Sunday! Feel free to check out my newest fanart, I made it just for this occasion, XD (And when I get back, I'll start making a short little fancomic~)

I've decided to bring my mp3 player (GOOD THING I LOADED IT WITH SONGS LIKE: "Don't Say Lazy"!...Due to a 90% chance of rain, and the cold...(30 degrees...BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!)

Well, I'd best be off...leaving the technological world behind!



XD I'll probably make a quick blog tomorrow morning, but if I can't, then this will be my last blog until Friday-or possible Sunday! (My mom might make me to go XXXX, which I dislike, due to not being able to access the electronic world...


So, onto today~

I'm thinking of making a quick little drawn fancomic for when I get back from the retreat~ I think it'll be funny~

Hm...OH! So, today, we had gym, which we normally have outside at this time, but it was really windy and cold, so we had it inside, and we had to do calastenics...(XD I DON'T REALLY CARE ABOUT THE SPELLING, THEY ARE SO RETARTED!!!!) ANYWAY! So, apparently, I was getting an allergic reaction to something, so I couldn't stop itching my legs and arms, and Mr. XXXXXX kept yelling, "STOP ITCHING!" Me: WHAT THE HECK??? IT'S KINDA' IMPOSSIBLE!!! "I CAN'T!" It was stupid, XD

I have one question to ask all of you...

Should I bring my itouch, or my mp3 player to go camping outside? The only reason I would want my touch is because it has my awesome music...and videos! XD (CONTAINING ANIME!!!) ANYWAY! Your opinions are apperciated~


We're gonna' try and stay up all night tomorrow~



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