Welcome to my little corner of the internet!

Here, you may visit my blog, which is chock full of YouTube videos, music, images, and whatever else I stumble upon.

About Dev-chan:

Age: 15.5

Gender: Female

Birthday: September 13th

theOtaku Anniversary: August 20th

Favorite anime/manga: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Kuroshitsuji, Durarara!, Elfen Lied, Hetalia: Axis Powers...MUCHOS OTROS (Many others, XD).


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My Anime List! I My Manga List!


Okay, well, today, we had a really good softball game-we won~ But here's the story: Okay, so I hit a double, stole 3rd, and got save at home-which got us in the lead. Then, I got put out in right field, (Which I normally play first, so I hate being out in the outfield...) So, anyway, a ball comes flying at me. *Catch* *Chucks ball at first* *Double play!!!*

XD So, that was a nice game~


So, we have this teacher for language arts who's like 50, and at the begining of class, "I checked my facebook thi-" Us: YOU HAVE A FACEBOOK??? XD It shocked us all...

Well, it's 9:30, so I'd better get to bed...(Sorry for grammar mistakes, etc., but it's very hard for me to type on my itouch...nonetheless when my brain shuts down, XD)


(Sorry, no image, but here's a quote:)

*The following was said on a car trip where I was sleeping, while everyone else had been awake.* "Hey, it's 6!"


Okay, since I already have over 1,000 subs, I have decided to try and subscribe to everyone...and check out everyone's works and such~ (Along with sending everyone gifts on their birthdays! )

Just thought I'd let you all know! XD (And yes, it will be a long...nearly impossible task!)


(Feel free to use this idea too, I won't be offended! )


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Well, now I have the silver trophy for fanart... (So, 3 new fanarts, XD)


Today? Well, Thursday's my class's retreat, so I'll be back on Friday~ Math was easy...which I am SO glad...It's been REALLY hard lately...and I'm pretty good at Math, XD Had Softball practice...(A LOT of running...)

Hm...what else? BLARGH! I can't think of anything important...so, see you tomorrow~



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*Crosses fingers*


^Pretty sure it's fake, what do you think?^


Well, I'm back from scoodi's house!



Well, as I told you, we went to the Anne Frank play, XD The writers also avoided saying period, just like on Lucky Star~ Afterwards, we got to eat at Subway~ THEN AFTER SCHOOL, I went to a party at a friend's house, and spent the night.



Got to eat Belgium waffles for breakfast, which were bigger that my HEAD!!! Then I headed down to scoodi's house, and watch her play Final Fantasy X, which now has inspired to make me a card involving Wakka~ (I'll post it when I'm done~)



Nothing much, just a walkin' WITH MY POKEWALKER!!! XD (Man, I wish I could use Wi-fi, 'cause I'm itching for a battle~)

I'll get started on that card, in the meantime...


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*sigh of relief* FINALLY A BREAK!!!

Heh heh...I haven't been able to blog due to many reasons including:



So...I'm back...for a little bit, XD


Nothing really has happened since it's so busy and all, but I went to Barnes and Noble last weekend to get the latest OtakuUSA magazine, and I read this manga preview of Chobits...so now I'm watching it, XD XD This is the 3rd eechi anime I've watched, AND I'M NOT WATCHING IT FOR THAT REASON!!! I THOUGHT THE MANGA PREVIEW WAS HILARIOUS, SO I'M LIKE: "WHAT THE HECK, I'LL WATCH IT!"

Last night I finally got my shawl (?) and shoes for my gratuation dress~ I AM SO HAPPY!!!

Tomorrow I'm seeing the Diary of Anne Frank play! OUT OF SCHOOL, YAYAYYAY! I wonder if they'll have those parts in it...

Hm...what else? OH! So, today, we got these Social Studies tests back, and I got a B- (Which is HORRIBLE for me...) So, anyway, after we start taking major concepts for the next chapter, Mr. )&)(&)&#$)72057 noticed that I leave a space between each question, and he says 'That's a very dangerous practice.'

-5 minutes later-

The following is being said indirectly at me: "And if you're one of those people who practices the very dangerous practice of leaving spaces between each question, you should write the questions and then answer them on the bottom of the sheet because, someone who normally gets A's got a B-."

Me: *waves hands rapidly* WHAT THE HECK???


Well, I'd better get on my science homework, which really isn't that hard, XD
