Welcome to my little corner of the internet!

Here, you may visit my blog, which is chock full of YouTube videos, music, images, and whatever else I stumble upon.

About Dev-chan:

Age: 15.5

Gender: Female

Birthday: September 13th

theOtaku Anniversary: August 20th

Favorite anime/manga: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Kuroshitsuji, Durarara!, Elfen Lied, Hetalia: Axis Powers...MUCHOS OTROS (Many others, XD).


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My Anime List! I My Manga List!

I wish spring break could last forever...

XD Alas, I only have 2 days left...and tomorrow I have to go to the orthodontist...what joy! *sarcasm*

But anyway, I'm just sitting in front of my computer watching Kuroshitsuji, and I'll have to say that Sebastian is my favorite...since he's one h**l of a butler!!! XD I'm at episode 6 right now...XD

Hm...what else is there? OH! I posted the actual dialouge in the episode with one of my fanfictions, so if you don't know the series of The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, maybe you'll get it? XD (Okay well, I can't explain it, so go here to see my fanfiction. By the way, how do you get a fanword published anyway???)

As long as I'm on the subject of fanfictions, I'm looking for an artist to draw a manga version of this fanfiction! ^-^ Message me if you're interested~

Well, I'll let you know if anything interesting happens~



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^Honestly, don't ask...I just searched "Kyon's sister", and that's what it came up with, XD^


^-^;;; Sorry I forgot about yesterday...So, let's recap, XD

Well, yesterday, nothing really happened---EXCEPT I GOT A PORTABLE DVD PLAYER!!! Heh, heh...now I can watch Haruhi in the car...*evil grin* XD

Ahem, otherwords, nothing really happened..



Well, today, as you can probably guess...is EASTER~~~ I got chocolate...*NOM NOM NOM* Anyway, so, I just realized that I have homework, XD So I finished one of my assignments...A book report thingie~

(If you really wanna' read it, it's at the bottom~ IT'S ABOUT JAPAN AND THIS: JUST TO LET YOU KNOW! XD) (Why am I so hyper???)

Continuing on, I'm trying to finish all the anime that I started...so...I STARTED RANMA 1/2...way back in July...and I've watched about 30 episodes in 2 days...so, I'm ALMOST done...at 100/161...(Not so much, but still...XD)

I think I might go make a card or two, so stay tuned~



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Book Report

Title: Dewey-The Small-Town Library Cat Who Touched the World

Author: Vicki Myron with Bret Witter



Dewey Readmore Books- The library cat of the Spencer Public Library. He was found as a kitten on the coldest night of the year-in a book drop-off box! This cat showed affection to everyone-he didn’t have favorites, and it didn’t matter who it was, he could even trust a complete stranger!

Vicki Myron- The library director who found Dewey, and is Dewey’s “Mommy”. She cared for Dewey until the very end. Every morning, she would receive a wave from Dewey. Her life has been very unfortunate-cancer, a divorce to an alcoholic husband, and her brothers’ deaths. Dewey has changed Vicki’s life for the better.


The Library Staff- These people helped take care of Dewey, and also loved him.

The City Council- These people allowed Dewey to live at the library.

Jodi Myron- Jodi is Vicki Myron’s daughter, whom is loved by Dewey very much.

(There are many other minor characters, but these are the only reoccurring people.)


Time: 1988-2007

Place: Spencer, Iowa


(I’ll try to be as brief as possible!!!) This story all begins at the Spencer Public Library, when someone-on the coldest night of winter-stuffed a little kitten into the book return box. It tells about Dewey and his obsessions: eating rubber bands, sleeping in boxes, climbing on the lights, and of course, catnip. It tells how picky Dewey was with his food-he’d love something for a week, and then think it was garbage the next! But mainly, the book tells us how he would warm the hearts of those around him-and even those around the globe! (At one point in the book, these people came all the way from Japan to see Dewey!!!) Dewey would let complete strangers pet him-even if they were petting him in a rough manner; brush him-he’d spend time with those who were sad-and many, MANY other things. This book also tells us about Iowa, and Vicki’s life. In the end, though, as you may guess, Dewey had to be put down, because he had cancer in his stomach.


I’d say the moral to this story would be “Never give up hope, even through the bad times, because the grass is always greener on the other side.” I say this because; Vicki’s life was horrible-until she met Dewey. And for the theme, I’d say person versus self because, before Vicki met Dewey, she had no one-and was completely lost. She didn’t know what to do with herself, and every time she tried to do something, she would drop out, because she wasn’t confident in herself.


Yes, I LOVED this book!!! It was another one of those books that made me laugh…and cry!!! (After I read this book, I just had to pet all of my cats!) The only parts that I didn’t like were when Vicki was telling the readers about Iowa…Every time, I said this, “UGH!!! I JUST WANNA’ READ ABOUT THE CAT!!!” Ahem…anyway, so, I’d give this book a 9/10 stars!  I would also recommend this book to anyone who loves cats, since it’s about one adorable cat!


Well, actually, my anime day started yesterday, with me finishing Loveless...in one sitting...*shot* Is that bad??? 5 hours in one day???

Well, ON TO TODAY, I was bored out of my mind, so I started watching an anime I kinda' haven't watched since summer-Ranma 1/2. I watched about 10 of those...and then I was bored, and I watched the 1st episode of Kuroshitsuji, and IT IS AWESOMMMMMMMMMMMEEEE! XD After that, I went to youtube, and then...I watched the following video:

So, then I'm like, "XD XD XD WHAT ANIME IS THAT???"

And then...I watched the anime...XD It made me DIE...well, it doesn't really have a story, and there's some...WEIRD stuff...if you catch my drift, but otherwords, everytime Dokuro-chan pulled out her bat to swing at Sakura, I died laughing, XD (Heh, heh, I just noticed the rating...XD This anime is rated the same as Midori no Hibi...(Midori Days) Heh, heh...R+ *shot*

So, yeah, that goes to show how bored I was today, XD

So, enjoy the following picture of Sebastian~

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OH!!! I also made a new card~



XD Well...I couldn't type up a blog on Tuesday or Wednesday...XD SO I'LL CATCH UP NOW!

Tuesday: I got back from XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX at about 11:00 at night! *shot* So, I was pretty tired, since my dad wouldn't let me sleep in the car.


Wednesday: XD So, at school, we're going to see The Diary of Anne Frank play, and one of the boys goes: "So we're just gonna' watch a girl write in her diary for 2 hours???" XD XD XD Otherwords, nothing really eventful happened...well, I guess I had softball practice, XD WAIT!!! I saw a movie called, "The Last Song"...It was sad, but surprisingly, I didn't cry, XD (Maybe 'cause Miley Cyrus was in it? Idk...XD)



Well, I made a card a while back for April Fool's Day, here it is if you wanna' check it out!

Anyway, SPRING BREAK!!! YAY!!! Imma gonna' be home 'til next Wednesday~ NOW IS THE TIME TO WATCH ANIME AND READ MANGA!!! *evil grin*

Ahem, anyway...

So, I finished Volume 5 of the Haruhi manga...XD SHAMISEN SWEARS, IT IS HILAROUS!!! Some random guy: "A MALE CALICO CAT! THAT'S WORTH A LOT OF MONEY!!!" Shamisen: "S***!" XD XD XD I'm still dying, XD Otherwords, it's just about the endless eight, and making the movie and such...I WANT THE NOVEL TO COME OUT SOOOOOOOOOOO BAD! XD *checks barnes and noble app* UGH! Not 'til June 1st...*sighs* XD

Well, I'll let you guys know if anything else happens...I think I might go watch Loveless...XD


*Sighs* More bad news...:'(

*sighs* Well, it looks like I have to miss part of school tomorrow...(Now, the average kid would LOVE to leave school, right?) Well, it just so happens that I was supposed to go on a field trip tomorrow...*sighs* Well, I guess I just have to sit in the car for 4 hours...and do homework...*sighs*


Now, I wanna' move onto another topic, since I'm tearing up again... ANYWAY, I finished the 1st Twilight Graphic Novel...I like the pretty pictures...*drools* XD But anyway, in my opinion, it's exactly like the book and movie...EXACTLY! XD (Now, you're probably going, "NO DUH, DEV!") So...I'd have to give this novel a...*drumroll* 7/10. (Please note that 7 is pretty low for me, XD) It's still worth reading, but if you've seen the movie/read the book, it spoiles it, XD


Next topic~

Well, today at school, nothing really happened...AT ALL! XD I actually had no homework...well, besides writing my expository essay...which I need to finish by Wednesday! I'll get it done though! XD I'm just not really motivated, you know?


Hm...what else...*sighs* The next couple of days, I'm not really gonna' be myself, that's for sure, XD
