Welcome to my little corner of the internet!

Here, you may visit my blog, which is chock full of YouTube videos, music, images, and whatever else I stumble upon.

About Dev-chan:

Age: 15.5

Gender: Female

Birthday: September 13th

theOtaku Anniversary: August 20th

Favorite anime/manga: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Kuroshitsuji, Durarara!, Elfen Lied, Hetalia: Axis Powers...MUCHOS OTROS (Many others, XD).


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My Anime List! I My Manga List!

Random quote of the day: 12/19/09

"You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Random youtube video of the day: 12/19/09

^Episode 4, XD The classic fight episode~^

1dev13's Journal! :D 12/18/09

Well, since I didn't have the chance to write my journal yesterday, I'll start off with yesterday~

9/17/09: 8 days until Christmas~ Made a new world today~ You can check it out, here! I think it's pretty cool~ Well, today was okay, until it came to Language Arts...*sighs* Then it just got terrible...*sighs* (I broke into tears and had to leave the room...I honestly can't take this anymore...everyone was asking "What's wrong?" Me: "I don't know! " I'm kinda' one of those people who bottles up their feelings...but there's PLENTY more I had to cry about, my aunt's recent death, effects (STILL) from moving, grades, etc.) ANYWAY, it's still the same people...but I need to just get over it, just one more year, and they'll be gone! XD (We also had a substitue teacher...) Anyway, after school, I had a basketball game, and we won! ^^ I actually did pretty good~ (The other team fouled me like, 7 times, XD) Nothing else really happened today...*sighs*

Now to today~

9/18/09: 7 days until Christmas~ Today, I found out that we had a play this year, we're doing...Snow White! XD (And, it's not the one like the movie, it's really messed up...XD) I WANT TO BE THE CAT! XD Ahem...anyway, we have to change most of the lines anyway because of the young children, since apparently, according to out principle, we can't have the words "kill" or "die" in our play...(THAT'S SO STUPID, XD) Anyway, so at lunch, I was talking to someone who actually LISTENS to me, while that SOMEONE who is on my nerves is sitting in front of me, and I'm like: "I want to be the cat~ " Him: "Yeah, I'd picture you being a cat~" HER...: "IT'S FUNNIER WHEN THE CAT'S A BOY!" (Yeah, well, YOU, the script says the cat's supposed to be a GIRL!!! ) Me under my breath: "Fine, shoot down my opinions..." (I'm about ready to erupt, or explode or something!" A little later in the conversation that SHE wasn't SUPPOSED to be in: "That's a nice bracelet." Me: Th- HER : "YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO WEAR IT LIKE THAT!" Me: *sighs* On to art class... *I'm currently painting a backdrop.* CERTAIN SOMEONE: "That's WAY to big!" Me in my head again: *sighs, then how come you aren't painting the backdrop??? HUH???" If you're wondering why I'm trying my hardest not to reply to her is because, 1. Almost every word out of her mouth is a swear word, which I normally don't mind, but since I go to a private school, I do mind, 'cause you're really not supposed to do that, you know? And 2. 'Cause she keeps following me...[insert scream here] and lastly, 3. she thinks she's Little Miss Popular, but nobody, and I mean NOBODY likes her, so she comes to me, of all people, and complains/rants/bullies/critizes me...*sighs* (I always say in my head when she does these things: "And what exactly did I ever do to you?") I'm glad it's Friday~ The weekend, so I don't have to see her~ Well, anyway, sorry for the rant again, but I made 3 new cards today! W00T! I also got an A on my Spanish test! XD AND LASTLY, I read the 1st Inuyasha manga, XD I'm now addicted~

*Yawns* I'm pretty tired, I'd better get to bed...


In order to make up for sed (the, my) rant, here's a random picture:

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^XD This is me right now, I'm Kagami~^

Random quote of the day: 12/18/09

"Tenderness is greater proof of love than the most passionate of vows." ~Marlene Dietrich

Random youtube video of the day: 12/18/09

^XD XD XD HIGHLY recommended for ages 13 and up! XD "Hello male nurse!" ~Yuki 3rd episode of the abridged series~ ^