Welcome to my little corner of the internet!

Here, you may visit my blog, which is chock full of YouTube videos, music, images, and whatever else I stumble upon.

About Dev-chan:

Age: 15.5

Gender: Female

Birthday: September 13th

theOtaku Anniversary: August 20th

Favorite anime/manga: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Kuroshitsuji, Durarara!, Elfen Lied, Hetalia: Axis Powers...MUCHOS OTROS (Many others, XD).


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My Anime List! I My Manga List!

Random quote of the day: 12/17/09

"Do a little more each day than you think you possibly can." ~Lowell Thomas

Random youtube video of the day: 12/17/09

^XD I love the Simpsons~^

1dev13's Journal! 12/16/09

Well, since I had no time last night to write my journal, I'll start with yesterday~

9/15/09: 10 days until Christmas! OH NO! THE DAY OF THE CHRISTMAS CONCERT IS HERE!!! *Very much in panic, and very nervous* Well, in the morning, I just dressed in a nice shirt, and nice pants, and headed to school...As soon as I got there, I had practice for the school's Christmas program, I was pretty nervous, since we hadn't really walked through it...but anyway, by the time the afternoon concert came by, I did really well on my solos, and speaking parts~ (At least I thought...XD) THEN, after I rode the bus home, then I got ready for the evening Christmas concert. I wore a white and black dress, (I'll have to take a picture sometime, but I couldn't due to my dad taking pictures of me...) Along with makeup, which I RARELY wear, 'cause I don't even know how to properly put it on...XD And lastly, diamond earrings, and a sterling silver necklace in the shape of a heart. Okay...CONCERT TIME! XD Okay, by the time we got to my first solo, the microphone was being stupid, it like, turned halfway on...along with the other 2 times I had to use it...XD Oh well...it went fine! XD I didn't get to bed until 11, so I'm pretty tired today...XD

To the present~

9/16/09: 9 days until Christmas~ Today I'm really...*uses other words that are approperiate*...ahem...*MAD* at my class, still, but particularly *MAD* at a certain someone yet again. (I'm not trying to...it's just she just makes me want to explode, you know?) Okay, so today, we had indoor recess again, since it was cold, and we played Horse, you know, that basketball game...thingie...XD SO, GETTING TO THE POINT! XD I got to H, and then H-O, and then SHE was like, "You're a ho!!!" And I'm like, (In head) "You know, your jokes aren't funny, AT ALL! If that is even supposed to be a joke...why don't you ask yourself that FIRST!" Anyway, then I got to H-O-R, and then, she's like "YOU'RE A W****!" Me in my head: "What the-How the HECK am I? [insert very angry rant here]" After that, I just left...she's like "Where are you going?" Me: "Oh, I just don't get this game." *Leaves* And today, I had basketball practice, which didn't make the situation better..."YOU DO IT LIKE THIS, NOT LIKE THAT" ~Certain someone Me in my head: "WELL, SORRY FOR ME NOT KNOWING HOW TO PLAY BASKETBALL THAT WELL, HECK, I PLAY MORE THAN YOU!" Also, this other girl, is talking to this other girl about movies and music, stuff like that, and I'm like (In head again) "Is that all everyone up here cares about?" So, one of the girls had to leave, and then SOMEONE doesn't even say a word to me during the whole 30 minutes we were sitting there... like I said, I feel like I'm invisible or something, to other kids...So, as you can see, I'm pretty *MAD* at that certain person, along with my class, so sorry for my rant again, it's just...I guess I have to get it out...'cause nobody at school will listen...nor can I trust them anyways...*sighs*

~*~Miss Invisible~*~

Good night everyone, I hope you all had a great day, unlike mine~ XD I'm a loner, XD



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^XD XD XD I needed a good laugh! XD^

Random quote of the day: 12/16/09

"The most wasted of all days is one without laughter." ~ E.E Cummings

I'll post another one as well, since I didn't have time to post one yesterday.

"Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom." ~Marcel Proust

Random youtube video of the day: 12/16/09

^Recommended for ages 13+ XD THIS SERIES IS SO FUNNY! XD^

Since I didn't post one yesterday, I'll post another one today~

^Recommended for ages 13+ XD FULLMETALCHAO ROCKS!!!^