Welcome to my little corner of the internet!

Here, you may visit my blog, which is chock full of YouTube videos, music, images, and whatever else I stumble upon.

About Dev-chan:

Age: 15.5

Gender: Female

Birthday: September 13th

theOtaku Anniversary: August 20th

Favorite anime/manga: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Kuroshitsuji, Durarara!, Elfen Lied, Hetalia: Axis Powers...MUCHOS OTROS (Many others, XD).


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My Anime List! I My Manga List!

Glitch? (Is anyone else having this problem?)

I'm just wondering if anyone else is having this same problem, and if you know how to fix it.

Okay, so, first, I'm trying to submit fanart, as you can see:

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^Note that I DO have a file selected!^

But then...I always get this message:

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^*Sniffle, sniffle*

If you know how to fix this problem, any help would be apperciated~

Thank you~

~1dev13 ^-^

1dev13's Journal! :D 12/13/09

Well, since I was at my mom's yesterday, I didn't have a chance to write my journal...so, here it is now~

9/12/09: Well, I was really bored at my mom's until I discovered a surprise~ I found this HUGE stack of manga~ I thought it was a Christmas present, but my mom says that this lady at work gave them to her, along with a Hello Kitty keychain~

Here are some pictures:

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^13 volumes, now I'll discover what Inuyasha is really about~^

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^KAWAII~ It goes PERFECTLY with my Hello Kitty backpack, LOL! ^

After I got these items, I went shopping, and my mom got us some Yakisoba~ *nom nom nom* It was delicious~ My mom also got pocky~

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*Plays the song by Len, Delicious~*


Well, now to the present! XD

9/13/09: When I got home, I made some cookies...*MMM! GOOD!* Ahem...anyway...then, I hurried upstairs, and reorganized my bookshelf~ Here are some pictures of the manga/books that I have read:

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^XD, as you can see, I love Haruhi~^

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^My new Inuyasha manga takes up a whole lot of space, eh? XD^

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^Yeah...I'm using a computer learnie thingie to learn Japanese...I WANTED ROSETTA STONE, BUT NoOoO! XD It works...I guess...I don't really know the pronouns, except for I/me, which of course is watashi...^

Well, due to school... I'd better get to bed...*sighs*

~1dev13 (XD I need a new bookshelf~)

Here's a fun motivational poster to enjoy~

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^LOL! *Currently on the ground laughing...again! XD*

Good night~

Random quote of the day: 12/13/09

"Oh. Boy. My pants!" ~Yuji (Shakugan no Shana, season 1, episode 10, english dub)

You can watch it here~


Random youtube video of the day: 12/13/09

^XD Imagine waking up to THAT! This goes out to my friend scoodi~ she showed me this vid, I'm sure you all will love it! XD^

Random quote of the day: 12/12/09

"Would you be embarrased to be naked in front of a rock or tree? This is out of character for you." ~Alastor (Shakugan no Shana, episode 4, english dub)

You can watch it here! (7:45)